
  • Attention
    • Do not post useless +support.
    • Do not post personal vouches.
    • Do not shitpost or derail.
    Failure to adhere to this will get you infracted and/or banned.

    A permanent ban is often a method to get the accused to post an appeal. It is not at all times the verdict.
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Provoked, both times. That's why an admin didn't care the other time, either.
The first time was when my character photographed yours in-character with a fully written emote.

The second time, this incident, my character was sitting on the edge of a roof watching someone and you approached in observe and RDM'd with literally no prior communication. No admins are on right now, otherwise I would've just sent an !a
The first time you went around spamming the annoying flash on the GMOD_camera swep and the admin found it justified. Your "fully-written" emote was you sprinting up to the group and /it "the group sees two sudden flashes"

And the second time you punched me from observe when I was trying to set stuff up and then ran off.
Wilson said:
The first time you went around spamming the annoying flash on the GMOD_camera swep and the admin found it justified.

And the second time you punched me from observe when I was trying to set stuff up and then ran off.

Blatant lie; One time to follow up an emote is not spamming.

And as for the second incident, I don't have observe flags on anyone except Ariel. I was on my UKM soldier, swapped to Kasia, walked to the place she was at, sat down, got RDM'd. That save doesn't have observe flags. It's pretty hard for me to punch you from observe without observe. Not to mention I've been in a absolutely piss-poor mood all day (which I'm sure someone could attest, if honestly need be) and am nowhere near a "let's dick around" mood.
If you're going to lie underhandedly and then accuse me of the same, I've got nothing to add.

It's no secret that you're still incredibly salty for the time I turned you in when you were circumventing your permanent ban on an alt account.

Clavier, innocent, sitting around and shot for no reason at all? Get real. Everybody here knows you're far from an angel.

And you weren't on your UKM character, because a call was put out for all UKM on the server to flag up for an event, and you didn't.
Wilson said:
If you're going to lie underhandedly and then accuse me of the same, I've got nothing to add.

It's no secret that you're still incredibly salty for the time I turned you in when you were circumventing your permanent ban on an alt account.

Clavier, innocent, sitting around and shot for no reason at all? Get real. Everybody here knows you're far from an angel.

Get an admin on to check Kasia's flags. She's only got Vigilance and Technician flags, not Observe flags. rpa_getinfo "Kasia Ewilenska"

Try again.
If character factors into this, I could never see Tami go out of her way to be an OOC asshole to anyone on SRP.
The same Clavier who was known in the past, in documented instances, to provoke Pirate and others. To blatantly ruin RP by doing idiotic things.

Right, Decaro.
Wilson said:
And you weren't on your UKM character, because a call was put out for all UKM on the server to flag up for an event, and you didn't.

To add on after your edit, look at the screenshot. "Sdr. Dariya Schwetz" is my UKM soldier. She doesn't have UKM flags yet, but she's geared up and I very clearly stated I was getting off my UKM soldier while on my UKM soldier, where I very clearly got on Kasia and very clearly was RDM'd by you.

I did absolutely nothing to provoke you, you're simply upset because I'm playing on Kasia.
No, actually, I'm thrilled. Kasia is your only character who isn't a child.
Decaro said:
If character factors into this, I could never see Tami go out of her way to be an OOC asshole to anyone on SRP.

Then you read the previous ban appeals that were made by Tami/Clavier and you realise he did alot worse.
Wilson said:
No, actually, I'm thrilled. Kasia is your only character who isn't a child.


Clearly children.

You've obviously lost any valid point to hold onto with your argument and resorted to baseless insults. You know what you did. You know I didn't provoke you. The evidence portrayed clearly shows that I didn't provoke you.
Rainbow was PK'd three times but you continue to play her. At least one of those wasn't a self-PK.

Kasia was also self-PK'd, but you brought her back claiming admins authorized it. Except none of the admins I ever asked don't know anything about that?

Anyone reading this can tell you're trying to get me banned for entirely personal reasons. Just stop and grow up, please. Live by that higher standard you try to hold the rest of us to.
Wilson said:
Rainbow was PK'd three times but you continue to play her. At least one of those wasn't a self-PK.

Kasia was also self-PK'd, but you brought her back claiming admins authorized it. Except none of the admins I ever asked don't know anything about that?

Anyone reading this can tell you're trying to get me banned for entirely personal reasons. Just stop and grow up, please. Live by that higher standard you try to hold the rest of us to.

I'm trying to get you banned because I've been in a piss-poor mood all day and wanted to get on to try and have a bit of roleplay to cheer myself up, and you - proven without provocation - RDM'd me and shattered my already shit mood and my desire to roleplay. Once again you're bringing up things that are completely irrelevent to the discussion and false because you ran out of arguments to make. Everything points to unprovoked RDM. You know exactly what you did. And if it makes you so happy, I'll gladly comment on your other two statements too.

Kasia left the zone, yes. She was authorized to come back.

No one's ever sought out PK auths on Rainbow except for that one time she was PK'd in that PK-On-Death event Hawg did like two years ago or something. But everyone's PK was revoked after it was concluded there wasn't enough forewarning to the fact it was PK-On-Death.
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