Roster Admin Roster

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While it hurts me to be leaving in such a critical time for HL2RP, I have better things to do than to receive massive false accusations that all I do is play TF2 and have whatever attempts I have at improving HL2RP get shut down without any solutions being presented forward. I get it, you don't like them, do you have any ideas yourself? Because all I see is "no I don't like this" and "all you do is TF2", no actual suggestions being brought forward, no ideas, no plans, just incessant whining from a large number of ungrateful, inconsiderate players that are not hesitant in scrutinizing and then bashing every little thing. As if lifting an entire sub-community up from the ground is something that just happens, as if redefining city RP is something that just happens, as if re-working the admin system is something that just happens, as if trying to fix things and keep everyone pleased is something that just happens. If all I'm here for is to be the unrespected, criticized and hated scapegoat in a clown show then I see no interest in remaining in such a position. I've been considering my resignation for a while now but the only thing preventing me from doing so has been the feeling of guilt I'd feel of leaving in such a critical time, a time in which I'm required. But if in the eyes of you, the community, I'm not seen as required, then fine, I'll leave, no questions asked. The very least I'd like would be some shred of respect and recognition for the hundreds of hours and the 1700 posts I invested in this community since I first got admin, but apparently that is too much to ask for.

Despite how much I despise the current insufferable mentality of many, TnB will always have a little place on my heart. I wish the best for the community.



To Fuxx.

Shout out to Zuppo and Skollie for being the finest admins I've ever had the pleasure of working with.


Good luck in your future, Fuxx. All the best. -generalnonsenze
So long and thanks for all the fish -neo
good luck sir, it's a shame you did decide to go - ves

Along with an official apology on behalf of HL2's admin team for his removal. Unanimous vote.
I've put a lot of thought into the decision I'm making here. Some would think that it should've happened a long time ago, while some would think it's far too soon. I've been here quite some time and seen some amazing, and horrible, things. The fact is undeniable however that the time comes when one's leave is required, as saddening of an action or thought as it may be. As every administrator would likely feel when leaving, it's hard to abandon something I've spent a good portion of my life at-- something I have a burning desire to help. I don't really -want- to leave, but at this current stage in my life, I feel as if it's the right direction to go. This community has gotten me through hard times in my life, and you can be sure that I appreciate the friends I've made and the friends that I'll keep in the future. I have nothing but gratitude and appreciation for you guys. I like to think that I've done some good here. At the very least, I can say that my experiences here have left me in a far better state than in which I came, and for that, I'm grateful. Nothing is more appealing to me than watching players' characters develop into wonderful concepts, and my own aiding of that journey. I feel, however, that somewhere along the line... we've strayed from our true path. No matter what I feel, I know that it'll be set right in the end.

It's been a fun six years. Good vibes to all.





Godspeed Nifae. o7 -neo
NIFSTER i'll miss you ♥ - ves
Thor resigns and goes off to the wonderful land of happiness and cats. Wait, no, don't kill the c- oh god, no...
Going on LOA for a bit, not sure how long.
I've not lost interest in SRP, I just need to focus on School and other things.

I'll be on the forums still.
HL2 SCL removed.

HL2 team "suspended":
Secondly, this time your opinion will count as much as everyone else's. The only way we can acheive this is by bringing HL2's authority structure down to the ground and letting everyone have an equal voice. From this point HL2's admins will have the same value and strength to their words as you do. Since there isn't exactly a live server right now, this change pretty exclusively affects the forums. Yes, this means the people who are currently known as admins will no longer be known as such. They might be brought back when the server comes back, or they might not. That's ultimately down to you.

Going on LOA for like two / three days, just posting it to make it official.
I just want to specify I am not in jail consider this my official LOA due to shit computer and the prospect of playing being overwhelmingly frustrating. I am working to fix this however. There is hope yet~
since when do you fix anything
y u askin all deese questions??
Someone needs to make me a nice little forum logo thing for the DayZ usergroup, cant be arsed to put them on here yet when it wont look all nice.

But just to clarify, admins for the Dayz server WILL have ventrilo powers too , so if anyone removes that shit after ive mentioned it several times already, will be bitchslapped

Removed. If you're interested in the reasons you can ask me but otherwise. The basic reasons are gross inactivity and leaking though.
Wons spreads his wings and takes on the responsibility of SRP trial admin.

congrats Sno - Sif
Welcome to the team bud - Nonsenze
Tipper from Super Moderator to not Super Moderator.

Hellfang from not Super Moderator to Tipper. Okay, wait, no that's not right...

Oh boy. Wait for it.

tipper: ha nice try fucker
Grim to temp Moderation Head (until Adv sorts whatever out). If you need someone banned/unbanned (after a thread), a forum made, want to complain about an infraction, and so on please ask him. Helios and TJA have AdminCP if you need aid as well.

I resign from SRP/non-formal roles/whatever my status is here I guess?

Suicide Bomber told me (a few dozen times) never to get too involved into this stuff or my life and work would suffer. I often regret not listening to him. There's only so often one individual can take before TnB becomes a repetitive, harmful pain-and I think I hit it.

Despite my less then stellar relationship with certain people I'd like to wish the best of luck to Tomas J Anderson and the rest of the HL2 team, Helios, Sif, and others I didn't list because you're all lame (:() and Grim and the TRP team. Hopefully you all get to make something people will love and enjoy - always remembering to make fun the central item above anything else.

I won't be on the forums anymore, so if you need me please send me a steam message.

See 'ya when I see 'ya.

bye bye zo - nonny
see you around and good luck ;_;7 - the h
goodnight sweet princess. I still respect you for what you have done in the past. - DK
[sub]stevedit: we fought but i'll miss you[/sub]

Nasca from TA to player.

I'm going to go ahead and resign.
An administrator needs to be active on both the forums and the server.
Unfortunately, I have not been so active with the latter, and with the stress of things going on in life this moment, I do not think I will be any time soon.
Right now my real life is taking priority, and the community is obligated to have administrators that have the time for the server.
I will always be around on steam if any of you need anything at all.

sad to see you go, hope you stick around - sif
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