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I started this about 6 months ago originally as a canals server idea, but then realised I could make something more of it.

Picked up on it a few days ago and did a load of work to restructure this original StalkerRP map into something thats actually useful for us.

So, the plan is........

  • To combine server 1/2/3 dynamics by having all aspects in one map. To maximise the amount of players on a single server rather than spreading across 3 or 4.
  • The center of the map is what we consider "City roleplay".
  • A perimeter wall runs around the district 360 degrees.
  • On the other side of the perimeter wall, is considered canals / outlands territory.
  • The entire map is one huge dilapidated urban zone but surrounded by mixed scrubland, warehouses, farmhouses, old buildings etc.
  • Those who want to do Citizen roleplay can do so.
  • Those who want to do resistance roleplay can leave the city realistically by actually escaping through one of many methods.
  • By using transition points, anyone who has been to server 2 will then respawn back into the map already in the outland areas so they dont have to keep spawning inside the perimeter wall.
  • Also has canals, sewers, underground labs, bunkers.
  • Outland area is extensive with at least 5 key safehouses at each corner of the map rather than most where the rebels always hide in one spot. CCA / COTA patrols outside of the perimeter walls will have a long task to check all of the spots routinely.
  • Totally open plan layout.

I'll be hopefully running a stress test tomorrow night after I do a final compile and get it all uploaded to workshop.

In terms of optimisation, I have a decent PC so its hard to say how well it will fare on low end machines but thus far I havnt had any problems.
My only worry that it uses max brushes / entities / etc so it could become unstable at high populations but we'll see.

I may try and fit in a few more useful buildings before finishing just to make it better for loyalist groups etc.








Workshop link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=507561128
This will make do for good rebel roleplay in my opinion. CCA snipers will stand on the walls of the citizen area and rebels will be forced to sneak around.
Probably would be best to have a second server on coast since it right now we have 77 players on and that's a bit much for 1 map.
Yes, well, if you try and set Server 2 onto a coast map, you're probably going to completely fuck up any transitions because the maps are configured as Server 3/4 maps (depending on the map), so they won't have any transitions into Server 1/the City, but please, go ahead. It's not like we don't get daily complaints about this shit right now because no one bothered to fix the transitions before setting the current default maps.
FlatPancake said:
Yes, well, if you try and set Server 2 onto a coast map, you're probably going to completely fuck up any transitions because the maps are configured as Server 3/4 maps (depending on the map), so they won't have any transitions into Server 1/the City, but please, go ahead. It's not like we don't get daily complaints about this shit right now because no one bothered to fix the transitions before setting the current default maps.
We should use S4 instead of S2 then. no need for the passive agression.
This seems like a solid idea, so long as the City has enough room in it to feel right. Although it will only work if the CCA doesn't make it physically impossible to leave the city, like they did in the C45 map a couple of days ago with the SLAM's.

This seems like a solid idea, so long as the City has enough room in it to feel right. Although it will only work if the CCA doesn't make it physically impossible to leave the city, like they did in the C45 map a couple of days ago with the SLAM's.
If it's well balanced for both the "Combine-oriented citizens" like Loyalists, ministries, etc. and the "Resistance-oriented citizens" (gangs, smugglers, etc.) then I'm all for it. Does it have areas such as sewers, underground facilities, powerhouses, etc? Or is that being left to players' choice?

I really like my Ministry of Labor maintainance passive.
Does this mean we can finally password S1 again and help stem the flow of DarkRPers since the population will be concentrated and we won't have to inflate the numbers?
**Jenn Lowry lounges on the perimeter wall, leaning against her scoped, high powered anti-materiel rifle... In the distance she spots a group of innocent resistance members harmlessly passiving, she shoulders the rifle and takes a bead, "cya later kids."
Legit interesting idea, and the map itself (from the screens) looks pretty decent. It's not really too close to Pripyat but I'll check my autism at the door and say that the layout looks functional and the architecture is visually interesting, even if it's not accurate to the inspiration; you've got some nicely angled alleys and streets in there though, so that'll help it feel close enough.

My only real suggestions at this juncture are a) use mobile wall props for the actual wall, to make a more formidable, imposing barrier and prevent "/me sits on wall and snipe cromblen/webal" shittery, and maybe add some interesting escape routes through semi-crushed buildings or broken wall segments; and b) add some colour. It's too brown, even for an ostensibly dead area. I yelled at Sym for this too. Brown is shit and boring and very few things in the world are actually that overwhelmingly brown. Maybe go for a red/orange/brown autumn colour scheme, or inject some more green in. Pripyat proper is a very lush, swampy forest area and is green as fuck in summer, beautiful red and green in autumn, and blanketed in snow in winter.

E: Also, fog looks about right, really colour is the big issue here. I seriously do actually like this concept, even if it'll feel a bit cramped for a city it seems like it might flow better gameplay-wise, which is an important aspect of game-based RP people seem to always ignore.
My only real worries are for the amount of interiors I can do without going over the brush limit.

The inner city area has quite a few and I have tried to satisfy everyones needs, but I know there will always be something missing.


Check the above map which focuses on the main central area - all of the green crosses are full buildings with interiors.

Inner city has the following -

  • Nexus, built into one half of an old hospital......2 floors plus accessible roof
  • Opposite side of the hospital building.....derelict and could be used for loyalist / cms stuff although I might carve up the interior a bit first to make it less pointlessly open inside in the lobby etc
  • CCH building has ground floor, then 2 floors above with 3 rooms each (total of 6 rooms each with lobby/kitchen/bedroom/balcony). Not the hugest amount of apartments on a map I know, but then again how many people actually even use an apartment at the same time. I rarely see more than 3 at max actually doing apartment RP at the same time.
  • 4 empty shops / cafes / general purpose storefronts
  • Derelict cafeteria - could be used for other purposes
  • Warehouse - taken from the outercanals map (cca's base on that map)
  • Mini workshop
  • Construction site
  • Old hotel building - 3 floors with roof access and multiple rooms, could host any kind of use
  • Factory
  • Derelict office block - taken from the outercanals map

Then outside of the perimeter wall we have lots of derelict buildings that can be used for refugees etc.....

  • Laundromatte (most obvious rebel hideout)
  • Warehouses
  • Underground bunker (even more obvious)
  • Farmyard buildings
  • Swimming baths
  • Grocery store
  • Community center
  • Movie theatre
  • Cafetria
  • Trailer Park / Caravan
There is a sewer system which runs horizontally through the map, and yes it can be used to escape under the electric fences etc.

Theres a few other escape holes - some of which are currently "too easy" and I might block up to make escaping a little harder. I certainly dont want every newbie to instantly try and escape the city and succeed.
I disagree with berkut, I think that the more human-looking walls are more suited for what looks like a backwater gulag.

That said, in terms of design philosophy, I'd add things that fit a police state aesthetic, like how I did with terminal 6... Lots of things like police barricades, barbed wire, prison buses... Think of a prison/refugee city like Bexhill from Children of Men. Maybe give that section of the movie a rewatch for inspiration?
Dont worry I know that film like the back of my hand :P

If you remember when I was talking about T6 to you the other day, thats when I actually got the inspiration to dig this project up and finish it.

Actually if you could do me a massive favour and just zip up the police barricades / barbed wire props and send them over to me id love to put them in. Dont have time to find them myself no idea where you got them from originally probably L4D i assume which I dont have
If you're going for a human wall and also want to make it legitimately hard to cross except through certain areas, I'd also strongly suggest drawing some inspiration from the design of the Inner-German Border (not the Berlin Wall itself).
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