Pavel Chekalivk (Clavier Midnight) [RESOLVED]

  • Attention
    • Do not post useless +support.
    • Do not post personal vouches.
    • Do not shitpost or derail.
    Failure to adhere to this will get you infracted and/or banned.

    A permanent ban is often a method to get the accused to post an appeal. It is not at all times the verdict.
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Dec 18, 2012
Players Name: Clavier Midnight
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40220288
Reason for ban: FailRP, avoid RP and harassment

I was passive RPing with Dante in a bar, and Clavier, who I had never met or spoken to before, entered the bar and approached me, proceeding to interrupt my passive with this:

** Pavel Chekalivk shoots Loner

Naturally, I refused to respond to this:

Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] ic is ic
Catrina ' Cat ' Lenevski: [LOCAL-OOC] Clavier
Catrina ' Cat ' Lenevski: [LOCAL-OOC] has me in tears
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] Dude
Catrina ' Cat ' Lenevski: [LOCAL-OOC] I'm laughing so hard
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] ic is ic
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] You don't just walk up to me and go /me shoots loner
** Pavel Chekalivk shoots loner again
** ' 'Warlord Khan' ' furiously reaches down, swinging his hand as hard as he possibly can towards Alexei's buttocks, he yells out a vigorious roar of war, "YAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!"
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] rp omg stop avoiding
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] Get that fucking gun out of my face
Vladislav Kostya: [LOCAL-OOC] see you on the forums
** Pavel Chekalivk shoots him again
Catrina ' Cat ' Lenevski: [LOCAL-OOC] im dying
' 'Warlord Khan' ': [LOCAL-OOC] PLS RESPOND
** Vladislav Kostya attempts to kill him
Vladislav Kostya: /roll
** Pavel Chekalivk snaps his neck with his feet
** Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov attempts to blow up whole room
Pavel Chekalivk: !a can i get pk auths
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] oh shit sorry
Vladislav Kostya: [LOCAL-OOC] i have extended loot
Dante ' Bullet ' Giambrone (dante) used /it
** Dante blissfully avoided the situation. **
Failed to load sound "raviool\mega_duty_propaganda_1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
** Vladislav Kostya punches
Pavel Chekalivk (Clavier Midnight) used /it
** everyone beats up loner and kills him and shoots him rape **
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] Can you guys fucking back off
Vladislav Kostya: [LOCAL-OOC] stop avoiding rp
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] you didnt say please stop avoiding rp
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] omg
** ' 'Warlord Khan' ' once again reaches down, attempting to grasp the man's ass with a furious- well toned hand, upon Khan's face is the look of pure lust as he sinks his teeth into his lower lips, shedding a bit of blood onto his well oiled chest..
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] im gonna get an admin
Vladislav Kostya: [LOCAL-OOC] or i WILL see u on the forums
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] im so an admin

..At which point they backed me into the bar table so I could not move. I switched chars:

] rp_charactermenu
Warning in .VMT file ($phongfresnelranges): no ']' or '}' found in vector key "$phongfresnelranges".
Did you forget to surround the vector with "s?
Vladislav Kostya (dakotalyfe): [OOC] Posting thread. You're done.
Pavel Chekalivk (Clavier Midnight): [OOC] we got a runner
Catrina ' Cat ' Lenevski (Legit Muffin): [OOC] im gonna get an admin... o w8 thats right i am an admin
Dimitri Vodnik (ProjectRandom): [OOC] You blatantly walk up to me, attempt to kill me in one /me, and now you're reporting me?
' 'Warlord Khan' ' (Khan Kooledge): [OOC] u avoided ass grab
[PM FROM Pavel Chekalivk] such is life in the zone
[PM TO Pavel Chekalivk] You can't kill someone in one /me dude
[PM FROM Pavel Chekalivk] i just did
[PM TO Pavel Chekalivk] especially one /me with two words
[PM FROM Pavel Chekalivk] i got auths
[PM TO Pavel Chekalivk] No because I'm not taking it ICly lol
Now saving all characters.
** [PROP]Dante ' Bullet ' Giambrone(dante) spawned: models\props/CS_militia/bottle03.mdl
☢☣Sarge☢☣ has connected to the server
Failed to load sound "raviool\mega_duty_propaganda_2.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Pavel Chekalivk (Clavier Midnight): [OOC] /me pks dante
Screenshot Requested
iGl3nn has connected to the server
' 'Warlord Khan' ': [WHISPER] .
] rp_charactermenu
Vladislav Kostya (dakotalyfe): [OOC] posting CCC for removal of ur observer calvier
] rp_charactermenu
Dante ' Bullet ' Giambrone (dante): [OOC] see

I disconnected for a moment to contact an admin, and upon not finding one, reconnected.

He was waiting for me at spawn, and followed me, doing all this RP:

** Pavel Chekalivk raises his gun up to Alexei, aiming it at his chest region and brandishing it gently. "I'd like to politely ask you to hand over your cash."
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: Erm.
Pavel Chekalivk: As in -- now.
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: I don't have much, but.. okay..?
** Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov reaches into his pocket slowly, taking out his rubles and holding them out.
** Pavel Chekalivk reaches his hand out to take the rubles, keeping the gun trained on the man's stomach.
You don't have that much!
Failed to load sound "raviool\mega_duty_propaganda_4.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Gave Pavel Chekalivk 1564 rubles!
** Pavel Chekalivk nods once more, raising a hand and tapping his chin in thought. "Nice suit, kid. It'd look better on me though I think."
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: You're asking to steal ALL my things?
Pavel Chekalivk: No. Just the suit.
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: You took my money. Just leave me alone.
Pavel Chekalivk: Give me the suit or I'll put a bullet through you right now.
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: Fine.
** Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov takes off the suit, throwing it on the ground.
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] hold on
** Pavel Chekalivk slowly bends down, keeping the gun trained on Alexei as he gathers the suit in his arms. He then stands up, keeping the gun on him. "Now get."
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: Right.
NutGrinder has connected to the server
Pavel Chekalivk (Clavier Midnight): [OOC] khan get ur ass over here
Now saving all characters.
Failed to load sound "raviool\mega_duty_propaganda_5.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: Drop all of it.
** Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov keeps the weapon aimed at Pavel's head.
'Dolch': [LOCAL-OOC] Three things, buddy. As an obseerver:
'Dolch': [LOCAL-OOC] One, you did not lift your wepaon though rp
'Dolch': [LOCAL-OOC] Two, do not power game thowing a weapon into your hands
'Dolch': [LOCAL-OOC] Three... Really?
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] He just did exactly that 5 minutes ago.
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] And stole my suit and all my rubles.
'Dolch': [LOCAL-OOC] Did he...?
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] Yes.
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] I roleplayed thoroughly.
'Dolch': [LOCAL-OOC] Eh... As much as I don't approve of such... A re-bandit attack does break NLR to some degree... UNLESS he didn't kill you
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] He didn't
'Dolch': [LOCAL-OOC] Whelp... then...
'Dolch': [LOCAL-OOC] -Shrugs n' vanishes-
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] ** Pavel Chekalivk raises his gun up to Alexei, aiming it at his chest region and brandishing it gently. "I'd like to politely ask you to hand over your cash."[
' 'Warlord Khan' ' (Khan Kooledge): [OOC] can't even find any 1
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] thats called roleplay
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] you should try it sometime
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: Raise the gun and you die.
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] Get out of observer
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] You didn't roleplay any of that.
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] Oh my god fine, let's redo it.
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] no
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] Are you fucking kidding?
** Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov raises his PKM, turning the corner with it raised.

He had gone into observer, trying to get out of the situation, presumably he had PM'd Khan because Khan was there in seconds.

He proceeded to stall as Khan prepared to shoot me with a series of incomprehensible roleplay:

** me explodes **
** Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov aims the PKM at the man's chest, "Drop what you stole."
Pavel Chekalivk (Clavier Midnight): [OOC] Pavel Chekalivk: ALALALALALALALALLALALAPavel Chekalivk (Clavier Midnight) used /it** me explodes **
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: Now.
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] roleplay getting behind me
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: Move and I'll kill you.
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] Stop fucking moving.
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] Get back where you were.
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] k
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] you too
Pavel Chekalivk: [YELL] get down on the ground
Pavel Chekalivk: [YELL] ill kill u
** Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov keeps the gun raised at him, "Come towards me."
Pavel Chekalivk: [YELL] this is the ncisfbi
Failed to load sound "raviool\mega_duty_propaganda_1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [YELL] Khan.
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [YELL] Do you know this man?
Pavel Chekalivk: [YELL] im with the ncisfbi drop ur gun
Pavel Chekalivk: [YELL] //hold on shotguns broke lemme swap guns
Pavel Chekalivk: [YELL] //wait outta ammo
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] The gun was lowered anyways
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] And if you raise it I'm going to shoot you
Pavel Chekalivk: [YELL] **pavel shoots alexi and he dies**
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] RP properly now please
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] s2k on
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] Lower the gun
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] No.
Pavel Chekalivk (Clavier Midnight): [OOC] lets vote me khan and alexei s2k most votes wins
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov (ProjectRandom): [OOC] Can you shut the fuck up with OOC and RP properly instead of doing Pavel Chekalivk: [YELL] **pavel shoots alexi and he dies**
'Dolch': [LOCAL-OOC] Y'all are still at it?
Catrina ' Cat ' Lenevski (Legit Muffin): [OOC] I fucking love Clavier
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] Pavel Chekalivk: [YELL] **pavel shoots alexi and he dies**
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] n?Pavel Chekalivk: [YELL] im with the ncisfbi drop ur gunP
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] I'm trying to RP
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] But he's minging
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] im roleplaying
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] He doesn't even have his gun raised ICly
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] He didn't roleplay it
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] I'm on the verge of just shooting him for avoiding RP
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] rdm
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] ban
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] It's not random
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] You're refusing to react to roleplay
' 'Warlord Khan' ' (Khan Kooledge): [OOC] **Khan squeezes the trigger of the tac.50, sending the phat-as-hell BMG round towards 'Loner's' torso region, Khan recoils a bit from the power of the gun in hand, he only winces... Slightly..*
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] Wait, Khan.
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] I was doing a /me but he fucking wouldn't stop moving- okay fuck it, just void all of this.
Now saving all characters.
[PM FROM Pavel Chekalivk] come back
[PM TO Pavel Chekalivk] Nope
[PM FROM Pavel Chekalivk] you're avoiding roleplay because things looked bad for you
Lt. Ivan Gavriil (Ruxandra): [OOC] Did you just shoot a .50 BMG from the hip without barely winching?...
[PM TO Pavel Chekalivk] You were fail RPing and avoid RPing

So basically, he stalled with random bullshit until Khan could RP hipfiring a .50 BMG at me from 50 feet away without wincing. I just walked away, having enough of this fail. They of course followed me.

Dante ' Bullet ' Giambrone (dante): [OOC] exo does support it slightly, to be fair. its heavy as fuck
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov (ProjectRandom): [OOC] Pavel Chekalivk: [YELL] im with the ncisfbi drop ur gun << I'm supposed to react to this?
☢☣Sarge☢☣ has connected to the server
Pavel Chekalivk (Clavier Midnight): [OOC] also I love how you recognized me when I was wearing a suit.
** Catrina ' Cat ' Lenevski purses her lips slightly
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: Dante.
Catrina ' Cat ' Lenevski: Ohp, and theeeere's Khan.
** Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov unslings his PKM.
Catrina ' Cat ' Lenevski: And Pavel!
' 'Warlord Khan' ': OPE 'DERE IT IS.
** Pavel Chekalivk pops a kap off in alexei's ass
Dante ' Bullet ' Giambrone (dante) used /it
** Dante nodded, " The whole gang." **
Catrina ' Cat ' Lenevski: [LOCAL-OOC] clavier iron said no more
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] o7 pk
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: Pavel just robbed me blind.
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: My suit, all my rubles.
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: At gunpoint.
' 'Warlord Khan' ': I don't believe you!
Dante ' Bullet ' Giambrone: You still got a PKP though?
' 'Warlord Khan' ': LIES.
Dante ' Bullet ' Giambrone: [LOCAL-OOC] PKM*
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: He didn't take it.
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: He took my Sunrise and all my rubles.
Dante ' Bullet ' Giambrone: How very odd.
Catrina ' Cat ' Lenevski: Pavel play nice.
' 'Warlord Khan' ': Aye'- y'know wot' I fuckn' hate- LIARS.
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] nice meta omg
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] u all fail rpers
Dante ' Bullet ' Giambrone: [LOCAL-OOC] :(
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] 'cept u bb
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] :)
Dante ' Bullet ' Giambrone: [LOCAL-OOC] :D
Glenn Schwister: [LOCAL-OOC] Faq yew C: but Khan what is that you have there? Looks like an error of mass disruption.
Dante ' Bullet ' Giambrone (dante) used /it
** Dante looked around, " Khan, the FUCK are you doing man?" **
** Catrina ' Cat ' Lenevski looks to Khan "Hey Khan."
** Pavel Chekalivk approaches the group, not speaking and simply glancing amongst the group. He then turns to Khan, looking him from top to bottom in a form of admiration.
** ' 'Warlord Khan' ' carefully- but steadily raises the tac.50, directing the attention of the barrel towards 'Loner's' chest, he grimaces as he attempts to stare him down.
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] dat ass
Dante ' Bullet ' Giambrone: Woah shit.
' 'Warlord Khan' ': You smell of ass' I'd fookin' say.
Dante ' Bullet ' Giambrone (dante) used /it
** Dante stepped back slightly, not daring to challenge the man with the fifty cal round at his finger tips. **
** Pavel Chekalivk turns to 'Loner' now, eyebrow jerking skyward behind his facemask as he watches the scene. "What's going on here?"
** Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov brings his PKM up to bear, aiming at Khan.
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: Khan..
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] and then he gets shot mid-raise
Failed to load sound "raviool\mega_duty_propaganda_3.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Catrina ' Cat ' Lenevski: [YELL] GUYS
Glenn Schwister: Hey hey hey! Calm down.
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] because raising a gun to a .50 cal is smart
Dante ' Bullet ' Giambrone (dante) used /it
** Dante instinctevly stepped infront of Catrina. **
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] shut up hurricane
Catrina ' Cat ' Lenevski: Alexei, look how fucking big Khan is. Be friends, not enemies. Jeez.

Khan was about to shoot me again, so I backed away:

** Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov moves to the right, to the table, sensing Khan is about to fire.
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] what
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] stop
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] Get back there
Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: [LOCAL-OOC] Um no?
Pavel Chekalivk: [LOCAL-OOC] You're not letting him type

Clavier jumped on top of me and physgunned me in front of Khan so can could shoot me, I took out my PKM and started shooting at Clavier to free myself, at which point they both started trying to shoot me, which is when I was forced to disconnect.

What would you like to see improved:

The server would be improved very much without this guy around. I honestly just wanted some good passive tonight, and got none because of this. I've never met Clavier, it seems he just picked a target to harass.

He logged on a character that was ICily deported, Walker can confirm.

That is fucking terrible RP from his half and pretty sure it's outside the rules to then go and find you and attempt to rob you again.

Also metagaming by PMing Khan without any form of radio use.

Ban please.
One. It's three AM. No ones really on. Rarely anything serious happens. Most folk who've been on at that hour know this.

Two. I replied to a failure to emote at all with poor quality roleplay.

Three. I'm terribly sorry for not cleaning out my character list and accidentally logging onto the wrong one for five seconds. Terribly terribly sorry.

Four. Afterwards in the bar when the roleplay WAS legit you decided to power game when Khan pulled a gun on you power gamed your way out of danger then randomly opened fire, shooting me -- then left in the middle of roleplay. Forgot to mention that bit, huh? Don't claim you made no errors either.

Five. Pruney. I think you're misreading. I didn't find him again to mug him, he came across me when I was in the tunnel and (despite the fact I was wearing a suit I wasn't when I mugged him previously and my face being hidden) decided to recognize me somehow and whipped a gun out with no roleplay, aimed it at me with no roleplay, then told me to drop the stuff I took. Hence the reason for my poor quality response.

Final verdict of my defense so far? At first in the bar I was screwing around. Afterwards in the swamps I was serious, and my quality of roleplay being paragraph length showed that. (Didn't even bother to read to see if he posted those logs) And I was ready to be serious again when I saw him in the tunnel, but then he metagamed my identity since I was wearing an entirely different suit that completely concealed my identity -- NOT THE ONE I STOLE -- and hadn't spoken; he just walked up and whipped a gun out, pointing at me with no emote at all. So I replied with unserious roleplay.

But back in the bar again I was being serious for a short while (got a bit unserious, admittedly but things had remained relatively serious) and then suddenly things looked bad for him and he S2K'd me out of the blue, then disconnected.

inb4 im banned for forum name and reputation

EDIT: I'd also like to point out you can really see all of us were not being serious at that first encounter.

EDIT2: The "khan get ur ass over here" was me giving him his suit back that I was temporarily holding onto. Nice copy/paste. Real nice. Khan appears out of nowhere was not Khan appearing out of nowhere, he blatantly walked by us with your gun pointed at me, walked passed a little then turned around aiming his gun down at you. When he emotes firing off towards you, you simply said "lets void it."

EDIT3: I didn't wait for you at the spawn, I crossed paths with you at the swamp.

EDIT4: ALSO; I'm the one who's being claimed to have metagamed when you clearly somehow learned my name.
"Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov: Pavel just robbed me blind."

EDIT5: And my final edit; Khan had a .50 pointed at Alexei -- A .50 -- and he decided to raise his gun to him. Khan = Gigantic Exoskeleton + Extremely Powerful Rifle vs. Alexei = PKP + Anorak. When Khan has the gun aimed at Alexei and Alexei does not. I don't see the fear roleplay, I don't see the common sense roleplay, and then after that you dived out of the way behind the counter. I told you to get back to the place you were (don't claim I "physgunned you back" because physgunning players is something reserved for admins and admins alone) and you just opened fire on me; so I took my own weapon out deciding that was you initiating S2K in a poor non-consent full manor. I did not shoot you yet, simply had my gun aimed at you waiting to see if you would shoot once more.

Then you disconnected.
That /me shoots was fucking stupid though, and

"He was waiting for me at spawn, and followed me, doing all this RP:"

and the Observer part and the metagaming

Get banned please.

Multiple offenses, if you didn't want to get banned don't be a dick for no reason.

Oh and OP, finding him and attempting to rob your items back, if he was in a suit, shouldn't have been done. Just contact an admin and void the situation for both sides.
In my opinion, Frostbite, you deserve a day(s) ban since you did break quite alot of rules.

Secondly Project should atleast get disciplined for being angry and hunting down Frostbite and proceeding to metagame.
I don't deserve any kind of discipline at all, Frostbite was completely in the wrong and there were no admins responding at the time.
I can actually testify that I was NOT PM'd by anybody during the mugging. Khan sees your character holding somebody up with a PKM. In convenience Khan has a .50 cal in hand(s). He took the shot, and by in any fucking means was it by the hip you dense person you; then- at the beginning of the second phase of roleplay, you decide it was going to be the BEST for your character to raise his PKM to somebody who has a .50 CAL, IN AN EXO, AIMING AT YOUR CHARACTER.

Then out of spite and anger you attempt to RDM him.

Of course within the first phase of roleplay, when you were targeted with the .50 cal- you decided to "fuck it" and simply walk away, completely avoiding the situation without any basis what-so-ever. For further evidence I provide this- as to what was happening.

ProjectRandom said:
Spite and anger? How about retaliation at him physgunning me?

He physgunned you after the fact you decided to cut the logs off at the very end, and I'll fucking quote this because I'm barely awake right now.

** Alexei 'Loner' Strganskov moves to the right, to the table, sensing Khan is about to fire.

and this is after you decided it'd be in your characters best interest to raise a PKM at somebody who had a .50 cal aimed at you point blank. (ignoring my chance to type something out)

"sensing khan is about to fire"

holy fuck what in the FUCK is THIS. does your character have the ability to sense what other people are thinking? is your character a psychic? no?

Both should be disciplined.

Day ban for each to show you can't piss around as you want.
Oh whoa responses. Read up on my edits, ha. That explains quite a bit more.

I'm not going to push for a counter-ban for the meta/powergaming or RDM, either. I just want to keep my place on the server, hurting people's feelings/PKing characters that don't want to be PK'd/banning other players -- all not my thing. I just want to enjoy quality roleplay during the regular hours, and screw around with my friends when no one else is really on.

Yes, though. I admit I did get out of control a bit.
FrostbiteCinema said:
One. It's three AM. No ones really on. Rarely anything serious happens. Most folk who've been on at that hour know this.
That does not matter one bit, if you think you can just fuck around at the early hours of the server, you can fuck right off.

FrostbiteCinema said:
Three. I'm terribly sorry for not cleaning out my character list and accidentally logging onto the wrong one for five seconds. Terribly terribly sorry.

FrostbiteCinema said:
Five. Pruney. I think you're misreading. I didn't find him again to mug him, he came across me when I was in the tunnel and (despite the fact I was wearing a suit I wasn't when I mugged him previously and my face being hidden) decided to recognize me somehow and whipped a gun out with no roleplay, aimed it at me with no roleplay, then told me to drop the stuff I took. Hence the reason for my poor quality response.
Roleplay unto others as you would want to be roleplayed upon. You don't just shit out on roleplay because the other person has, not an excuse one bit.

FrostbiteCinema said:
inb4 im banned for forum name and reputation

TBH you should be banned from the community for another 6 months due to your shit manipulation attempt in the past.
Tipper can you not? The whole world knows you don't like me, we all get it. You said it yourself over vent. Don't remember the exact words, it was lost when you were talking shit about every other SRPer.

The point is you absolutely hate my guts and seeing me banned would be a godsend for you; so everything you say is going to be heavily biased.

I was "rolePlaying unto him as he had roleplayed unto me." So. That argument doesn't work, really.
FrostbiteCinema said:
Three. I'm terribly sorry for not cleaning out my character list and accidentally logging onto the wrong one for five seconds. Terribly terribly sorry.


Doesn't seem accidental and for five seconds to me.
FrostbiteCinema said:
Tipper can you not? The whole world knows you don't like me, we all get it. You said it yourself over vent. Don't remember the exact words, it was lost when you were talking shit about every other SRPer.

The point is you absolutely hate my guts and seeing me banned would be a godsend for you; so everything you say is going to be heavily biased.

I was "rolePlaying unto him as he had roleplayed unto me." So. That argument doesn't work, really.

"Bias" doesn't mean you weren't in the wrong. And two wrongs don't make a right.
I'm simply asking you to stay out of this thread. If I'm in the wrong, there are so many people who can put me in the wrong besides you, and I'd rather they do it because its not as annoying to have to sift through a pile of insults to find the point.

If there was a ban thread made about you I'd not even bother to read it.
This isn't your thread so you don't have the right to ask me to stay out of it, if the player known as ProjectRandom would like me to find somewhere else to post, I'll gladly abide.
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