Roster Admin Roster

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Chopper and Dima are our first new SRP admins.
I resign my bitch ass.

same as my boy rath, fuck errbody, fonk gang
(ill see you in afghanistan wookie, im going to choke out your fat neck when i c u there)

I'm leaving for the coast, so I'm going on a low. I would appreciate if someone edited the roster and made my name gray, doing it from my phone is a bad idea.

hop: done kriegy bb
Mongoose suspended for indefinite amount of time to later be decided by the others when we get a chance to discuss, Decided by me and Advantage.
Dave added "GeneralNonsenze" to SRP TA. Didn't post/actually roster it, so, yeah.

gangleider: shit...
generalnonsenze: you bet
Dave added someone named "Hoplite" to SRP TA. Jesus, it's not that hard to post.

Put him in actual SRP TA list, it's not that hard to edit - DK

Be good to eachother, it's not that hard to do that. - kr

Biscuits and water do not mix, it's not hard to keep them separated. - Grim


I resign from SRP, thank you for the good times.

generalnonsenze: i'll save the last muffin for you. rip.

helios: you were a good man mack. see you.
I resign aswell, I think that my time is done and that my interested in SRP overall has waned. Thank you for the good times, too.

I wish the best for the administration team. Shotouts to Rankless, Helios, Nonsenze and Hoplite!

i still love you hops

"Rampage" to SRP TA.

Pool. Rampage. Hmph. Let the rampage begin. See what I did there? Rampage and rampage. It's funny. Admit it or you all die.

[someone else will be added here when I confirm with sources].

generalnonsenze: die zo. jesus.

can someone add him to the roster - zo.
Iron's a TA to. I'm sure DK will add him to the roster again, because personally, I'm too lazy.

yeah zo - dk
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