STALKER Roleplay & Community Update Announcement

i don't know how many people here played on 100 Rads besides myself, Red Menace, Hardhat and Metermann, but i can say for certain that the four of us had a shitload of fun. Obviously events and things will be good but we mostly made our own fun and just roleplayed. If SRP is treated near the same here itll at least be a fun diversion to get people reinvested in the community
FYI, I have heavily stressed my position that SRP is not here to muscle out TRP. TRP isn’t going anywhere until the TRP team is satisfied that it’s time.

Even if we wanted to force SRP out ASAP, the closest launch window is quite a ways out. There is much work to be done. Many TRP staff members are involved, and I will not ask them to work against their own interests in TRP, which is a passion project for them as much as SRP is for me.

That's nice and all, but I just don't understand why we'd announce it then? Let's say SRP is 6 months out, announcing it now would A; Build up unnecessary hype that would fade out as people wait for the launch, and B; pull attention away from TRP, as 'Why should I bother playing for the rest of the time it's up if SRP will be out soon anyways?'

I can already bet that people have read this and decided that they aren't even going to play TRP anymore since it'll be going down in a relatively short amount of time and replaced with something else instead. That's a massive turn off for people, no matter how much someone else may argue that it doesn't affect TRP, it does. I like Stalker, Stalker's cool, I know about this project since you started it years back and were showing off the things you accomplished, and as one programmer to another, I know what it's like to piece together a passion project like that, but that doesn't mean I don't feel like this abrupt announcement of a new server will only adversely affect the one we have currently, and make it difficult to keep the upwards trend we've been making as of late.
what's the harm in announcing it

the players that stop playing trp because srp is announced just means they were never there for trp at all
what's the harm in announcing it

the players that stop playing trp because srp is announced just means they were never there for trp at all

With 13 people on I don't think we have a right to say shit like "It means they were never here for it at all"

TRP has enough working against it as it is, we don't need to lose the few players we still have joining.

In all honesty, if we want to say fuck it to TRP then just do it, it feels like we're sugarcoating it with hollow promises of 'actively working on it in the background'. Not to say we couldn't but who? Who the hell is going to do that? Can we get some names or are we just hoping John Smith the savior of TRP will come out of the woodwork and fix it while we're doing something else?

I don't want to seem disrespectful to the staff or to bennet bennet and I know SRP has been a desired thing, and that you guys might not have a lot of options given the current circumstances, but can we get any collateral that TRP WILL be coming back? Or is all just heresay?
Get hyped for both.

I'm extremely excited for SRP and I am also extremely excited for TRP and the work we are doing there.

It had already been discussed that we were probably going to put TRP into a hibernation state and plan for a comeback once we had some of the features we agreed upon implemented. This announcement changes none of that nor any of our plans. Get excited, still continue to play in the meantime.

I haven't been on in the past couple of days because I tested positive for Covid and its been kicking my ass but I'm continuing to feel better and will probably use the time I have off to do more cool shit on the server.
The fact is, TnB needs to get its shit together. The hostility and finger pointing and conniving and jaywalking and other sorts of negativity have gotta come to a swift end. This, what we've got here, is not only the longest lasting but also one of the last remaining, and certainly the best of the few, serious roleplay communities. When TnB goes, that's it, you'll never see its like again. There is no other game that works like this one, no other community with quite our approach. It's hard to believe, but this place is really in kind of a precarious position.

If you see 15 players on TRP and think "wow this place is poppin" that's the canary in the coal mine. I remember when TnB filled three servers for HL2 alone and had a 30+ minute queue to join any of them - and was running two other subcommunities alongside.

We'll never be there again, but 15 players on one server is not a healthy peak. There's 45 reading this thread as I write this, I saw over 70 at peak on the other thread and that's just the people who are still looking at the forums. Where are those players on TRP?

This isn't the TRP team's fault, and it isn't the players' fault. No amount of "just get on and roleplay guys" is gonna keep it afloat for long. The fact is TRP needed more time in the oven. We, as a community, for the sake of the community, should be able to look at the evidence, agree to collaborate to get TRP to a satisfactory stopping point, and try something that we know will draw players back to the community. And hopefully this time, with a better attitude, we can keep them for future projects. Why wouldn't you want to work from a better foundation? A strong STALKER roleplay poses a great opportunity for TnB. Seize it!
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just wait until you see this script man. the 100 Rads version was a blast and that wasnt even the final version as far as im aware

rusty busted ass to create a script that works like a gem and will make this version of SRP like no other tnb iteration youve played
Also reminders. Don't @ bennet, he rarely cares and only cares about his own agenda. In other words, he's a bastard. Other than that, can't wait to see how the server will play out, Pirate. Im excited for the new launch and shift running around the map to find artifacts that sell for 500 rubles.
The fact is, TnB needs to get its shit together. The hostility and finger pointing and conniving and jaywalking and other sorts of negativity have gotta come to a swift end. This, what we've got here, is not only the longest lasting but also one of the last remaining, and certainly the best of the few, serious roleplay communities. When TnB goes, that's it, you'll never see its like again. There is no other game that works like this one, no other community with quite our approach. It's hard to believe, but this place is really in kind of a precarious position.

If you see 15 players on TRP and think "wow this place is poppin" that's the canary in the coal mine. I remember when TnB filled three servers for HL2 alone and had a 30+ minute queue to join any of them - and was running two other subcommunities alongside.

We'll never be there again, but 15 players is not a healthy peak. There's 45 reading this thread as I write this, I saw over 70 at peak on the other thread and that's just the people who are still looking at the forums. Where are those players on TRP?

The fact is TRP needed more time in the oven. We, as a community, for the sake of the community, should be able to look at the evidence, agree to collaborate to get TRP to a satisfactory stopping point, and try something that we know will draw players back to the community. And hopefully this time, with a better attitude, we can keep them for future projects. Why wouldn't you want to work from a better foundation?

That's an inspiring speech, truly, but what the fuck has changed between TRP and SRP aside from what setting we're in?

What annoys me the most is how almost the entire community just acts like the problems with TRP are some rogue mutation that showed up and now TRP is cursed with an incurable disease that nobody can do anything about, so we might as well just take it down and move onto something else.

As for where the players went? Go ask the first few weeks of TRP, and the bullshit that went down. It doesn't feel right that even though there's still players out here giving their all to keep shit alive, everyone else, including most of the team, are stepping away and putting it in cryo until someone later down the line can be assed to pull it out.

Remember when people were saying the same exact shit they're saying about SRP for TRP? Literally the moment this got posted I heard people saying shit like "Dude it'll be so great, you can just mindlessly shoot mutants, but there's also serious research and tech you can do."

Switch out mutants for robots, same shit we said about TRP. Anytime shit gets rough this community is prone to start begging for us to just make a whole new server as if all of the issues present will disappear because we change settings.
That's an inspiring speech, truly, but what the fuck has changed between TRP and SRP aside from what setting we're in?

What annoys me the most is how almost the entire community just acts like the problems with TRP are some rogue mutation that showed up and now TRP is cursed with an incurable disease that nobody can do anything about, so we might as well just take it down and move onto something else.

As for where the players went? Go ask the first few weeks of TRP, and the bullshit that went down. It doesn't feel right that even though there's still players out here giving their all to keep shit alive, everyone else, including most of the team, are stepping away and putting it in cryo until someone later down the line can be assed to pull it out.

Remember when people were saying the same exact shit they're saying about SRP for TRP? Literally the moment this got posted I heard people saying shit like "Dude it'll be so great, you can just mindlessly shoot mutants, but there's also serious research and tech you can do."

Switch out mutants for robots, same shit we said about TRP. Anytime shit gets rough this community is prone to start begging for us to just make a whole new server as if all of the issues present will disappear because we change settings.

You have no idea what you're talking about. You have no idea what has changed, what will change, or what's being discussed right now as we speak. You have no idea what has gone into this project already - it's been in the works for over five years. I wouldn't commit it to TnB if I wasn't sure. Knock it off with the doomsaying, it's tiresome.

I don't expect SRP to be the magic pill that satisfies everyone, but huge changes are coming at every level. You should really wait and see before you pop off with ignorant assumptions. TRP deserves and will get a chance. When it comes back it will be better than ever.
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Switch out mutants for robots, same shit we said about TRP. Anytime shit gets rough this community is prone to start begging for us to just make a whole new server as if all of the issues present will disappear because we change settings.

I don't know how much you know about STALKER, based off this I'm guessing it's not much, but there is more than 1 "official" faction on SRP. There are more antagonists than just mutants, etc. Not going to hate on TRP here but there are differences between the two that go way beyond "TRP with mutants," lol
That's an inspiring speech, truly, but what the fuck has changed between TRP and SRP aside from what setting we're in?

What annoys me the most is how almost the entire community just acts like the problems with TRP are some rogue mutation that showed up and now TRP is cursed with an incurable disease that nobody can do anything about, so we might as well just take it down and move onto something else.

As for where the players went? Go ask the first few weeks of TRP, and the bullshit that went down. It doesn't feel right that even though there's still players out here giving their all to keep shit alive, everyone else, including most of the team, are stepping away and putting it in cryo until someone later down the line can be assed to pull it out.

Remember when people were saying the same exact shit they're saying about SRP for TRP? Literally the moment this got posted I heard people saying shit like "Dude it'll be so great, you can just mindlessly shoot mutants, but there's also serious research and tech you can do."

Switch out mutants for robots, same shit we said about TRP. Anytime shit gets rough this community is prone to start begging for us to just make a whole new server as if all of the issues present will disappear because we change settings.

I really don't think these things are as intertwined as you're making them out to be. There's a lot of folks here waiting the wings that just don't care about TRP, regardless of it's execution. They're not offering SRP as some kind of plan B to compensate for TRP's stagnation. SRP is plan A for a lot of people that still poke their heads around TnB now and again hoping we'll return to a setting they give a fuck about. It's not about reallocating resources; I don't think. It's about tapping into a latent source of interest that has gone unattended to since 2016.
we're a community. i hate seeing the fricking civil war stuff happenings. just put stuff aside and be adults. hl2's hurting, and we all need to pull our weight if we want it to survive. My rugby coach always said, when we were losing at the start of the next half, "Stop worrying about it. It's a new half, it doesn't matter." Let's act like it. This is a new half. Let's work together to make HL2RP something to be proud of, and show those people who joined the 2nd week they missed out mega suprem
Remember when people were saying the same exact shit they're saying about SRP for TRP? Literally the moment this got posted I heard people saying shit like "Dude it'll be so great, you can just mindlessly shoot mutants, but there's also serious research and tech you can do."

Switch out mutants for robots, same shit we said about TRP. Anytime shit gets rough this community is prone to start begging for us to just make a whole new server as if all of the issues present will disappear because we change settings.
The compelling part of this setting is the human versus human conflict, though. It's something that can be cultivated between primary characters rather than throwaway bad guys.

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