Sandra Hunter Adv Tooltrust removal request

  • Attention
    • Do not post useless +support.
    • Do not post personal vouches.
    • Do not shitpost or derail.
    Failure to adhere to this will get you infracted and/or banned.

    A permanent ban is often a method to get the accused to post an appeal. It is not at all times the verdict.
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New Blood
Jan 10, 2014
  • Players Name: Sandra Hunter
  • Steam ID: "raspberry" STEAM_0:0:55891507
  • Reason for ban: Fucking with my props as I'm trying to set up my shop on the coast, arguing why fucking with my props using her advanced tooltrust is okay, and then making a gigantic canadian flag with ropes and props and hovering it above my store, refusing to remove it because "It's supposed to be a gun shop anyway."
  • Proof: Logs and pics.

[LOOC] Robert Halensi: absolutely not
[LOOC] Robert Halensi: remove that.
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: alright dude
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: lets fucking
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: sell some plaid clothes
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: touques yes
[LOOC] Robert Halensi: I ain't no tim hortons northerner.
[LOOC] Robert Halensi: please don't.
Screenshot Requested
Unknown command: replay_togglereplaytips
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: this was supposed to be a gun shop anyway
[OOC] Robert Halensi: sandra remove this fucking flag
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: x means open
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: o means closed
[LOOC] Robert Halensi: x is closed.
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: you don't know shit about the alphabet
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: x is open
[LOOC] Robert Halensi: how is x open
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: because its blue
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: blue means go
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: and red means stop
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: if its closed
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: you want them to stop coming
[LOOC] Robert Halensi: We're talking about letters damnit.
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: hence red
[LOOC] Sandra Hunter: no we're talking about this prop

  • What would you like to see improved: I don't think it warrants a ban, but remove their tooltrust because obviously they can't be bothered with actually using it to do anything more than bother people. Also correct me if I'm wrong but didn't she JUST get her ATT back like literally 30 minutes ago or some shit like that?
afaik its removed

also the second quote really wasn't relevant at all, you kinda just took it and tossed it up out of context. you had a tic tac toe block for an open and closed sign and i was conversing with you about why x should represent open, i hadn't fucked with any props until then. as for the sign, its gone. this really didn't warrant an entire ban request or whatever this shit is.
not raspberry said:
Upon me asking them to do so in teamspeak.
I'm not sure why you couldn't have just decided to not fuck around with it in the first place instead of telling me to suck your dick and then crying to someone to get on and delete it after I made this request.

You don't seem very sorry to me. Apparently at all because you got back on and ran all the way over to be obnoxious in LOOC about it.
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