
  • Attention
    • Do not post useless +support.
    • Do not post personal vouches.
    • Do not shitpost or derail.
    Failure to adhere to this will get you infracted and/or banned.

    A permanent ban is often a method to get the accused to post an appeal. It is not at all times the verdict.
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jam tip

Raspberry's Lawyer
Oct 8, 2011
Players Name: Olivia "Liv" Jones, "Liv"
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81601597
Reason for ban: Horrible roleplay, refusal to follow the rules, horrible attitude change the second things stopped going their way, general negligence PK/rules ignorance.
Proof: http://pastebin.com/uQwuEhxd
What would you like to see improved: I don't want to see anything improved, I want to see this player permanently removed from the server.

You know you fucked up when Tipper resorts to posting a ban request.


miharu dealt with it after i talked about it in ooc

except it was for 5000 minutes
miharu banned Olivia 'Liv' Jones for 5000 minutes.
I saw that, and I am requesting it be extended to a permanent ban. This player only cybers in the outlands, and robs people and tries to be a cop killer in the city. It'd be a different story if it were strictly IC, but it's not.
Do you guys realise how like not arsed I am.. Just saying tho guys you's really aint funny so stop trying so hard.
short version:

long version:
i have yet to see a single time this player positively contributes to the server. he's obviously not interested in roleplaying a proper character with more depth than their vagina, he's obviously not interested in atleast contributing to the setting and he's certainly not interested in anything remotely related to storytelling
it's one of those people that don't literally break the rules all the time but he's still disruptive enough to warrant a long-term vacation imo


LuciJenna said:
Do you guys realise how like not arsed I am.. Just saying tho guys you's really aint funny so stop trying so hard.

nvm he's also not showing any interest in changing for the better either
Captain! said:
short version:

long version:
i have yet to see a single time this player positively contributes to the server. he's obviously not interested in roleplaying a proper character with more depth than their vagina, he's obviously not interested in atleast contributing to the setting and he's certainly not interested in anything remotely related to storytelling
it's one of those people that don't literally break the rules all the time but he's still disruptive enough to warrant a long-term vacation imo
****** She.
** Olivia 'Liv' Jones takes a every shot like a trooper still stands on her feet but is in obvious excrusiating pain, Jay's knee doesnt quite reach the riffle pointing at his head but does manage to get a blood soaked leg from her stomach. She fires the whole mag at his head, the focus was pretty strong so she was bound to get a few shots in.

th-this... this isnt okay
LuciJenna said:
****** She.
Olivia 'Liv' Jones: [OOC] Just to make shit clear I am a guy IRL so stop asking me to ERP with you, you gay twat!
- quotes thread
LuciJenna said:
Do you guys realise how like not arsed I am.. Just saying tho guys you's really aint funny so stop trying so hard.
ok i wont be arsed to unban u after it was upped to perma later skater.
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