Jason Vincino

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    Failure to adhere to this will get you infracted and/or banned.

    A permanent ban is often a method to get the accused to post an appeal. It is not at all times the verdict.
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May 26, 2011
Players Name: Jason Vincino AKA Frank Vincino AKA anyone with the surname Vincino.
Steam ID: No idea, but as you can see in the screen it reads his steam username as 'The Name You Would Not Expect'
Reason for ban: Disconnecting to avoid RP, recreating the same character after being PKed, being a general chucklefuck.
What transpired:
Alright, so I was on 717 doing my usual scan of the catwalks when someone made a CR about being offered narcotics and then attacked in a back-alley when they refused. Now, given the circumstances I knew the nearest back-alley wasn't too far so I headed down that way only to find three other units dealing with the situation and patting Jason Vincino down. Due to the fact that 717 has something of a rapport with the Vincinos, he asked if he was the one they got a call about, except at that specific moment Vincino disconnected. First of all, this isn't the first time he's done this; I've seen and heard plenty of complaints about incidents Vincino characters disconnecting or going AFK in the middle of RP with the CCA or using something such as a server crash (As happened yesterday) as an excuse not to rejoin despite being in the middle of interrogation. But this is pretty much just a blatant attempt to avoid RP.

Secondly, I've noticed that despite having yet another one of his characters (Who, surprise, also happens to be part of House Vincino) PKed only the day before he seems insistent on creating yet another with effectively zero changes aside from the name and place on the family tree. It's fucking irritating to deal with someone only to find he pops up the next day with a different name. It's shit RP and people are becoming intolerant of it. Anyway, evidence is below if you need any; I've highlighted the important parts.

i banned him for a week, which suffice to say should be enough for him to come and explain himself here and see if i should consider lifting it or extending it.
Hey, I WAS Frank Vincino, Though He's been PK'd. I don't Disconnect to avoid RP. I am either AFK a lot, or Leave because I live with my 82 year old Grandfather who often needs help. Jason Vincino is my friend, I know that HE might do these things that you speak of.
If you are gonna make this post. Then make it exclusively about Jason, He's the one who DK's a lot
Jason is my friend over Xbox, he wanted to RP on the server, and he copied my Char's last name, I don't count Jason as my brother in my Bio. and Frank is PK'd. Jason is a totally different person, MY steam is RazorShot3. I have a different Char now, with a different sir name, so I ask you to change your post so there is no confusion about His actions effecting me
Helios said:
i banned him for a week, which suffice to say should be enough for him to come and explain himself here and see if i should consider lifting it or extending it.
See I'm not banned, that should prove that I am not Jason Vincino
Unfortunately I think the time has come for the sun to set on the Vincino Clan.
I'm speaking to "The Name You Would Not Expect" Right now, He is telling me that there was more above in the console before what you put. He says that the officer said in [LOOC] "We call BS" and that he said numerous times he told the officers that we was stuck. He spawned in the sewers. We was ICly in the city. He knows that he should have called an admin for a TP out, but he had a bad judgement call. He is making an account as we speak
im sure you know who I am,and im quite pissed about this ban, I was stuck and I needed to get out therefore I rammed the door in ooc, but obviously the asshole cp did not care...my point is that was the first and last time that will happen.
Jason Vincino said:
im sure you know who I am,and im quite pissed about this ban, I was stuck and I needed to get out therefore I rammed the door in ooc, but obviously the asshole cp did not care...my point is that was the first and last time that will happen.
Jason Vincino said:
btw I spawned in the sewers
But you weren't in the sewers ICly right, because if you were then you would ICly be locked in the sewers from that entrence. Now were you in the sewers ICly or did you spawn there but were elsewhere ICly ?
Jason Vincino said:
I left because of FAIL RP, not to avoid RP
If you left for fail RP then you should have explained in [OOC] that there was legit fail RP. I understand leaving for fail RP, but you have to give the reason, Like "[OOC] Jason Vincino: You caught me because I spawned in the sewers, I was elswhere ICly, and couldnt leave the sewers. And You gave me no reaction time to Resist the search. Therefore it was FailRP."
I know im not perfect, I make mistakes...and this is one of them...to me it was fail rp but that's just what I think. im just trying to say sorry...I guess.
you've d/c'd to avoid RP on a few occasions and you had contraband and no admins did anything about it but i was too lazy to take care of it.
RazorShot3 said:
Hey, I WAS Frank Vincino, Though He's been PK'd. I don't Disconnect to avoid RP. I am either AFK a lot, or Leave because I live with my 82 year old Grandfather who often needs help. Jason Vincino is my friend, I know that HE might do these things that you speak of.
You get PKed as Frank Vincino. Then log on to Tommy Vincino. Then Thomas Vincino. You're the same guy as thomas m8
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