Jacob Donningham [Minge DC, Avoid RP]

  • Attention
    • Do not post useless +support.
    • Do not post personal vouches.
    • Do not shitpost or derail.
    Failure to adhere to this will get you infracted and/or banned.

    A permanent ban is often a method to get the accused to post an appeal. It is not at all times the verdict.
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Nov 15, 2014
Players Name: Jacob Donningham
Reason for ban: Avoiding RP, Minge DC
[Request] Andrew Warren: In Apt. 2122-3 a Man with a Beanie and crowbar is threatening me with my life. <-Donningham reported for IC crimes.
[Request] Andrew Warren: hes running
[Radio] CCA.C17-JURY.04.04237: Responding to that.
[Radio] CCA.C17-UNION.03.02496: Responding.
[Radio] CCA.C17-DUTY.04.44463: There was a BOL out on that guy, Jacob Donningham.
[Radio] CCA.C17-DUTY.04.44463: Responding.
-VICE begins to chase him, we fired on him. He quick swapped to physgun to look OOC, he later DCed when we got closer and attempted to arrest him-
Player AnEvilGuy left the game (Disconnect by user.)

This is not the first time I've seen him do this physgun swap whenever a CP is trying to arrest him.

What you would like to see improved: More admins, or have the current admins more active.
I believe AnEvilGuy is a different player? IIRC he has a COTA unit.

I can verify that this guy is a typical Coast 'can I have guns' minge. He spammed my PMs the other day asking me OOCly if I could sell him MP7 mags, and he's immune to teaching, despite my and many other players attempts.
I don't think that's AnEvilGuy, he's a pretty solid guy with a COTA unit.
I mean the DC came in console at the perfect second, literally at the bottom. So he must have char swapped then to a character of his that I don't know the name of.
He probably char-swapped. He's been known to do it.

Oh. Not to mention he's already been banned for the same thing before.

And his name is Randomguy582
Yeah, no, this guy D/C's all the time to avoid roleplay. I've seen it SEVERAL times before.
He changes his name to avoid capture. I'm witness to it. He later changed his named to Nick Gongho and forgot to change his title, his name was still Jacob in the title. We tried to apprehend him in the ration line for the BOL but he switched characters again.

Yesterday the server peaked at around 65 people for most of the day and there were STILL no admins on.
I don't know how many times I've seen this guy switch characters to avoid RP, please fucking ban this guy.
I don't know why You would Pull out your phisgun. I mean, people still know you did something.
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