Half Life 2 - Reopening & General Update

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May 22, 2011
Our shutdown was a little bit longer than anticipated, though mainly due some unrelated background factors like host migration etc. After a break and a rework here and there we’re just going to quickly outline the changes that have taken place once the server goes back online.

The staff team is being divided between Administrators and Moderators. Administrators are responsible for the OOC aspects of the server, i.e authorization requests, ban requests/appeals, and ensuring that the moderator team is working properly. Moderators are responsible for the day-to-day of the server, crafting their own events and plots and handling any issues on-server as they appear. Moderators have access to all of the same commands but are restricted to using them on a single chosen character. To compliment our effort of transparency and ensuring a functional staff team, there will be a public staff guidelines thread (Found here.) which can be used as a reference for all staff members, as well as being used by players to hold the team to the proper standards.

CCA Leadership has been reset, all members of FC have been bumped down to 01 for the time being. More permanent HC onscreen presence has been brought onboard in the form of Pasta who will be taking up the role of DvL.

The squad system will be changing quite a bit and it’s something we haven’t tried before, but we figure now’s the time for some new things. Instead of having permanent squads that units are assigned to, the PT/FT system will now allow you to make a custom callsign which will appear as every PT member’s ‘squad’ until it’s disbanded. Ranks themselves will be staying the same.

Overwatch is also going to see some changes. This iteration hasn’t seen many cases where they’ve been used in full force but with us now using maps that have a canals portion attached, Overwatch will become a more common sighting and enemy. If you currently have the Overwatch whitelist then please go reply to this thread here if you want to retain your position in the faction. All of the informational threads are going to be condensed in order to make understanding the faction and what’s available in it much more simple.

Civil Administration is going to be undergoing some changes moving forward, it’s too soon to discuss what will be happening since much of it is pending discussion with the current leaders of the various ministries. Stay tuned for that.

Authorization Requests
The requirement to request authorization from the administration prior to doing or playing something has been loosened entirely, the updated rules regarding auth requests can be found here. Also, the necessary amount of +1s from admins has been reduced from five to three.

The server is set to be open again on July 5th, Wednesday at 5PM EST. Going forward the City RP focus that we've tried to maintain is probably going to suffer while we do our best to foster a resistance that players feel is worth while playing to be a part of. We'll be striving to give space in order to build up the group so that they feel like they have tangible and obtainable goals, that they won't be immediately stifled or smited by the CCA etc.

Staff Guidelines
Authorization Guidelines
Overwatch Activity Check
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Will there be any changes or tweaks to Citizen RP and/or businesses? It's pretty well known that people would rather be playing a different faction entirely, but I'd like to know if you guys plan on making playing as a regular citizen more enticing. I think stuff like revitalizing the CEC and CA are a step in the right direction for this.
Will there be any changes or tweaks to Citizen RP and/or businesses? It's pretty well known that people would rather be playing a different faction entirely, but I'd like to know if you guys plan on making playing as a regular citizen more enticing. I think stuff like revitalizing the CEC and CA are a step in the right direction for this.
Quan Noodles is now a permanent staple.
I really want to know if there will be or if there has been any significant changes to loyalist ration sizings.
I really want to know if there will be or if there has been any significant changes to loyalist ration sizings.

Suppose I could answer this question. Not speaking officially, only from my perspective. At this point in the iteration that bug probably won't be fixed. It'd be a situation like when pant inventories were updated several months ago. Many players lost items and needed them respawned. There's workarounds, but the effort could be better spent elsewhere.
when can we expect expansion on the CA stuff?
Soon enough, I don't want to be purposely vague but a lot of what's going on with Civil Administration is going to depend on the individual ministers and what they want to do moving forward. So after I talk to all of them and get their ideas and thoughts down, we'll have a plan for what's changing there and what needs to be worked on after the server opens. This will admittedly be many long-term changes rather than a big list of update notes. I can say for a fact however that there will be significant changes and additions in regards to the CEC going into launch.

If anyone wants to provide opinions and feedback for what could be improved, that'll help me greatly with getting the faction on track. https://www.taconbanana.com/threads/civil-administration-feedback-thread.41209/
Not trying to make any bad takes, but good changes. Won't name any specifics but some of this was well needed, so thank you for taking the time to address it.
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