Chop Halloway's extended ban

  • Attention
    • Do not post useless +support.
    • Do not post personal vouches.
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    Failure to adhere to this will get you infracted and/or banned.

    A permanent ban is often a method to get the accused to post an appeal. It is not at all times the verdict.
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telling a unit not to eyeball you, let alone running around crowbarring people or typing /mes about pulling out desert eages and shotting cop, should be immediate grounds for a negligence pk at best and a ban for fucking up the hl2 atmosphere at worst

just because someone knows how to type a lengthy and detailed powergame /me to fuck over someone it doesn't mean they should be considered not a minge, or given any kind of benefit of the doubt you wouldn't also give to someone who can't tell ic and ooc apart and has clearly just come from darkrp. in fact, i'd give them less, since they damn well know they're doing something wrong while a darkrp minge doesn't.

regardless of combinekyle's conduct in the matter, allowing people to get away with shit like this (let alone use admins' own reluctance to ban "good roleplayers" against them) is one of the prime reasons the quality of rp in this place is such a trainwreck.
I'm going to make this very simple, since everyone is talking about circumstances and whether or not this guy is a minge or a good roleplayer just being stupid.

Godmodding/powergaming is against the rules.

He powergamed.

Ban he.
I think when you're deathmatched multiple times by the worst character ever made, you might just snap. Natalie caused Chop's rampage to begin and should be punished for failing to follow roleplay rules 2c, 4a. Let the admins do their job Natalie Punk Dawn.
Deplarticus said:
I think when you're deathmatched multiple times by the worst character ever made, you might just snap. Natalie caused Chop's rampage to begin and should be punished for failing to follow roleplay rules 2c, 4a. Let the admins do their job Natalie Punk Dawn.
All I heard is you shit-posting Natalie Dawn and saying that misbehavior is justified. Players are not justified in breaking the rules because people make them mad. You can't do it, I can't do it, Chop shouldn't be allowed to do it.

If Natalie broke a rule, so be it post your own ban request. Right now we're discussing Chop's ban, not Natalie's.

shotcopper 9000 said:
regardless of combinekyle's conduct in the matter, allowing people to get away with shit like this (let alone use admins' own reluctance to ban "good roleplayers" against them) is one of the prime reasons the quality of rp in this place is such a trainwreck.
This. I don't even need to really add anything to this. Let's not have another Pirate.
Eqhuinox said:
  • ** Chop Holloway unbuttons his coat, hands diving into his jackets and withdrawing two matte-black .50 Desert Eagles. He lifts up onto the ball of his foot, spinning around and pumping a round -- each one having the words "COP KILLER" etched onto them -- into the thick skulls of each of the little piggies assembled around him. He lands on the ground afterwards, smoke pouring out of his death barrels. He blows it away from each one, before striding out the door, quipping. "You just got served."
lets be honest here, that /me was fucking hilarious. seems like the guy who plays chop just got fed up with the over zealousness of the CP and wanted to just have some fun. clearly he didnt assume anyone would take that /me seriously.

chop got banned anyways so besides proving that combinekyle is shit, useless thread
Seems to me like both sides were being fucking dumb

who gives a shit about a crowbar, all you need to craft one is like 2 scrap metals, why would you try doing an admin's job over such a useless item. It's pretty obvious chop isn't a minge either, he just decided to start acting like a cunt because he kept bothered about a dumb script item, which obviously isn't justified either

If chop is banned already there's not much use for this thread anyway. can you guys please stop being so self-righteous and starting shitfests over something as dumb as a crowbar swep christ
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