Ban Request For Combine abuse, then FailRP

  • Attention
    • Do not post useless +support.
    • Do not post personal vouches.
    • Do not shitpost or derail.
    Failure to adhere to this will get you infracted and/or banned.

    A permanent ban is often a method to get the accused to post an appeal. It is not at all times the verdict.
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Junior Member
Nov 23, 2014
  • Players Name: I don't know, but here is his CCA: CCA.C17-JURY.03.40091
  • Steam ID: I do not know how to get players steam names or IDs from combine control.
  • Reason for ban: He came into my apartment and saw my lamp (It was made of novelty shotguns and looked nothing like a gun) and then he yelled "GET ON THE WALL" as I was telling him it was a novelty lamp he proceeded to /me"Shoots the citizen in the groin with a bean bag round" and then starts shooting me in my own house for no reason. I told him he RDMed me but he Didn't respond to that and I said I was reporting him to the forums. So when I woke up from the knockout his friend left, and then without saying anything he shot me again repeatedly and I was knocked out again. He then placed me in my bathroom to glitch me so I cant move anywhere (he succeeded in this act) and then left. I said I would take this to the forums again and then he replied "Go ahead I dare you." (I have screenshots of this but no recording of the repeated RDM knock out.) Also when I looked back I saw him joking in OOC about me "raging over nothing" But I didn't take screenshots of this because it is so minor (I just wanted to let you know)
  • Proof: [The two console shots are kinda the same only, one shows the top and one shows the bottom, because the chat took about 1 page and like 1/100 of a page] [The bathroom shots are of me stuck in the bathroom, I had to reconnect to get un-stuck]
  • What would you like to see improved: I would like players to be evaluated better before acceptance into the CCA because of powergaming and abuse like this. Thank you.
Hi! I'm quadzillionaire!. I play unit 40091. I think most players that have interacted with me can testify to my roleplay ability and lack of reliance on SWEPs to convey my character's actions.

The console logs speak for themselves, I'd post the pastebin I saved but your screenshot of the console is enough to prove you're an idiot. You refused to RP getting beanbagged (for refusing to comply with an order to get on the wall) and got SWEP'd, as per CCA SOP. When you got back up, you tried to run away and got SWEP'd again... after which point I threw you into the bathroom because there are no admins on.

"Also when I looked back I saw him joking in OOC about me "raging over nothing" But I didn't take screenshots of this because it is so minor (I just wanted to let you know)"

Fabricated. Someone asked what I was daring you to post and I replied that you were angry because you refused to RP and got SWEP'd - which is what happened.

Do you know what sparked this? You made a lamp out of shotgun props.

I rest my case.
yeah no one's getting banned

don't make lamps out of shotguns

he rp'd doing it, and he's fully within his rights to do so -- can't imagine you dodging, so can't even really berate him for powergaming

i'd have preferred if the baton were used rather than the beanbag gun, but who the fuck cares really
Excuse me? I never ran away I was there and you just shot me again and placed me in the bathroom there was only one other guy there and he left after you shot me and knocked me out twice. Also I don't appreciate being called an idiot, it is disrespectful to me and I have done nothing to you. And fabricated? what exactly was fabricated I would have gone back and take screenshots again right now if my console wasn't wiped because I had to re-connect. for my screenshots to upload.
You ran away, which is why you were bagged again. If my plan was to simply keep you KO'd there are better ways to do it than hovering over you and shooting you with the beanbag shotgun every time you get up.

The unit patrolling with me was 978, Firepower, who is a vetted ex-SRP admin and an outstanding roleplayer, who left because he felt you were trolling.

I explained clearly in my post what was fabricated.
Soyuz said:
yeah no one's getting banned

don't make lamps out of shotguns

he rp'd doing it, and he's fully within his rights to do so -- can't imagine you dodging, so can't even really berate him for powergaming

i'd have preferred if the baton were used rather than the beanbag gun, but who the fuck cares really
Wait a minute, I was knocked out for no reason twice and glitched into a prop and have proof, but yet you say nothing and just brush it off. I mean, Do you condone the act of combines coming into my house and shooting me for no reason twice then glitching me into a prop so I had to reconnect?
quadzillionaire! said:
You ran away, which is why you were bagged again. If my plan was to simply keep you KO'd there are better ways to do it than hovering over you and shooting you with the beanbag shotgun every time you get up.

The unit patrolling with me was 978, Firepower, who is a vetted ex-SRP admin and an outstanding roleplayer, who left because he felt you were trolling.

I explained clearly in my post what was fabricated.
I never ran I was in my house. If you guys have death or KO positions you can check them if you want.
Your entire argument hinges on your apparent belief that there was no reason, which is false, because I told you the reason, and that I intentionally stuck you in a prop, which is also false. I put you in the bathroom.

Correct - you were KO'd right next to the door of your apartment - because you were running through it.

Do you understand that this is Half Life 2 RP? This isn't DarkRP where we are just using CP models to represent the friendly hometown police department.
quadzillionaire! said:
Your entire argument hinges on your apparent belief that there was no reason, which is false, because I told you the reason, and that I intentionally stuck you in a prop, which is also false. I put you in the bathroom.

Correct - you were KO'd right next to the door of your apartment - because you were running through it.

Do you understand that this is Half Life 2 RP? This isn't DarkRP where we are just using CP models to represent the friendly hometown police department.
Ok first off no, I have screenshots of you getting me stuck and second off, I was not running to my door. I have a lot of speed on my stats and If I was running it would be hard to catch up.
This is basically the point at which I'd close the thread.

There won't be any bans over this. I can understand why the units acted the way they did, and any issue here seems to stem from a fundamental failure on your part (though it isn't strictly your fault!) to entirely get just how things work here. Frankly, this entire situation was a touch ridiculous, and if an admin were online they would immediately have told you that building a lamp out of shotgun props would obviously lead to some trouble for you. Even so, I don't really see any issue with the roleplay the units attempted to do, and given that you did indeed build a lamp out of shotguns, I can see why they elected to simply shoot you and leave you in lieu of continuing roleplay with what they fairly perceived to indeed be a troll. In lieu of an admin being on, they were perfectly justified -- though perhaps they might have been a touch less abrasive and taken greater care to ensure you weren't left trapped, as I had to go and pull you out when I got on.

There won't be any ban here. I don't actually have forum mod anymore, though, so I can't lock this thread.
Soyuz said:
This is basically the point at which I'd close the thread.

There won't be any bans over this. I can understand why the units acted the way they did, and any issue here seems to stem from a fundamental failure on your part (though it isn't strictly your fault!) to entirely get just how things work here. Frankly, this entire situation was a touch ridiculous, and if an admin were online they would immediately have told you that building a lamp out of shotgun props would obviously lead to some trouble for you. Even so, I don't really see any issue with the roleplay the units attempted to do, and given that you did indeed build a lamp out of shotguns, I can see why they elected to simply shoot you and leave you in lieu of continuing roleplay with what they fairly perceived to indeed be a troll. In lieu of an admin being on, they were perfectly justified -- though perhaps they might have been a touch less abrasive and taken greater care to ensure you weren't left trapped, as I had to go and pull you out when I got on.

There won't be any ban here. I don't actually have forum mod anymore, though, so I can't lock this thread.
Not cool man, not cool. [Im out]
If you have screenshots that would prove he was abusing his shotgun, or intentionally placing you in walls, or whatever-- please, post them. Simply saying "I have them!" doesn't really mean a damned thing.
The daily situations civil protection have to endure, it never ends.

If this guy is no longer willing to learn or accept even the possability/standard of what he did was wrong, this thread might as well be locked since he seems to refuse to be educated on why what happened even happened.

Otherwise I'd say, theres way to grow from this. First of all, building a lamp out of shotguns is concidered mingy, even if they are "Fake". The universe is Half life 2 roleplay, Combine dont care about your rights and quite frankly you're not going to have access to such Novelty props. Thus, building things out of what you should not use is concidered retarded/minge related/trollzy.

Second, your screenshots do not seem to prove much, infact they seem to implicate you as a troll/minge more then anything. Thus, no one is going to take what you say here seriously because screaming "Kill that hoe!" is really deservant of a kick/temp ban.

I would however argue only on his part he should've been taken aside, given a good spanking and taught right from wrong as well as how to roleplay and yes, I am assuming that did not happen. But then again, little patience do we have.

I suggest we lock this up.
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