Recent content by Helios

  1. Helios

    Roster Admin Roster

    LOA. Not sure on how long - could be a week at the least, but probs longer.
  2. Helios

    Banner Contest

    Only thing I think could be different is the font, but the banner itself looks decent.
  3. Helios

    The Infection

    The 'types' of zombies are ones that walk and run, and the location is ~somewhere in America~. Likely east coast.
  4. Helios

    Roster Admin Roster

    I resign. I'm really not feeling the uprising right now or the way the server's going. I wish the rest of the team good luck and I hope it goes well.
  5. Helios

    Merry Christmas, TnB

    merry xmas and other holiday celebrations for those who do not celebrate xmas dont sue me rogers
  6. Helios

    Roster Admin Roster

  7. Helios

    Roster Admin Roster

    back in a bit ~1 wk
  8. Helios

    Chocolate Shoutbox Ban Request

    Haha, nice one [Iggy]! Another well-deserved shoutbox ban! Really appreciate you doing the good work for Taco'N'Banana Serious Roleplay!
  9. Helios

    Abu Hajjar Shoutbox Ban Request

    I was replying to Rionas and the duplicate ratings, by the by. I don't give a shit about people frothing over the rules. But by all means take it out of context ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. Helios

    SRP Stuff

  11. Helios

    SRP Stuff

    18+ steve i cant show it here
  12. Helios

    SRP Stuff

    youll get mod eventually pruney not to worry im on the case
  13. Helios

    Roster Admin Roster

    Time to hang up the towels. It was alright while it lasted but I don't feel like playing here right now. like i did anything anyway I'll probably come back at some point. All the best, etc.
  14. Helios


    He is unbanned. Mods don't infract more than one post usually and hide the rest. Chumps get dumped. Case in point.
  15. Helios

    Roster Admin Roster

    Kieck Scott Staton to SRP TA.