This is bullshit.

  • Attention
    • Do not post useless +support.
    • Do not post personal vouches.
    • Do not shitpost or derail.
    Failure to adhere to this will get you infracted and/or banned.

    A permanent ban is often a method to get the accused to post an appeal. It is not at all times the verdict.
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Jan 14, 2015
Players Name: Lionel 'Doors' Jones

Steam ID: I don't know, don't really look at this

Reason for ban: Killed me multiple times, showing no means to be serious IC
Proof: So, here I am, trying to do some RP, trying to talk to Doors, and while we were talking, instead he kills me with a crossbow. I come back, try to talk to him again, and he leaves everything alone, as I try to convince him something that will be argued on here later on, and then when I was trying to talk to him, trying to rp, I was rushing myself because I knew he was going to try and kill me again, and when I said "Take IC" OOC, he /me'd that he had shot me in the leg, and out of redundancy and frustration, I took out my Stun baton and hit him (Where I messed up) and when I decided to just give up, try to get my stuff back, I come back, whatever person had my stun baton I couldn't find or wouldn't give to me. So instead of what happens I get banned. I am not complaining about my ban I am just so frustrated with the fact Doors isn't taking this to reality. I might as well complain on here because I am not gonna sit back and just let it happen.

What would you like to see improved: Just a little cinch of the situation. It isn't a movie, but that doesn't mean you kill people because you think some things are wrong. A good ban, and a replacement stun baton. Just that ICly the stun baton was something given and something symbolic.
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