Red pill ballads ban request

  • Attention
    • Do not post useless +support.
    • Do not post personal vouches.
    • Do not shitpost or derail.
    Failure to adhere to this will get you infracted and/or banned.

    A permanent ban is often a method to get the accused to post an appeal. It is not at all times the verdict.
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Apr 13, 2018
OOC Name: Red pill ballads
Character Name:Idk, he changes it every five seconds
What happened:Constant prop spam after being asked to stop, constant building of rude things, racism
Time it happened:15:00-19:00 (still going on) GMT
Scav boss Hans 'Wulf' Panzer: [OOC] stfu commie
Scav boss Hans 'Wulf' Panzer: [OOC] its racist lol all germans are nazis in their eyes
Red pill ballads killed Fox using trp_tc_50watt_assault
Scav boss Hans 'Wulf' Panzer: [OOC] Curry muncher ez
Scav boss: CYKA BLYAT! (This was used as a joke icly wise)
[275 MHz] Brenton 'murder' Dumas: i can see why i stopped playing this server. It seems to have gotten worse too
[275 MHz] Brenton 'murder' Dumas: yeah this server is a literal piece of shit
[275 MHz] Brenton 'murder' Dumas: nah(After being asked to leave)

All I could grab right now, I'm sure metterman or Fox will bring some stuff up.
From what I've seen, he puts cringe in OOC and other unsavory things in OOC every few minutes. He got OOC muted for him, then merely put it into radio. He's been kicked from tech-comm for saying ICly really unsavory items over the radio, and one of the response's to stop was 'oh what are you going to do, punish me?'.
I talked to an admin that PMed me if he was causing trouble (can't name which, they were on a drone), and had informed them of basically this.
he's been pbanned.

if he wants to come back he can post an appeal.

From what I've seen, he puts cringe in OOC and other unsavory things in OOC every few minutes. He got OOC muted for him, then merely put it into radio. He's been kicked from tech-comm for saying ICly really unsavory items over the radio, and one of the response's to stop was 'oh what are you going to do, punish me?'.
I talked to an admin that PMed me if he was causing trouble (can't name which, they were on a drone), and had informed them of basically this.

Was me. Muted him based on what some people sent me then he logged off.
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