
  • Attention
    • Do not post useless +support.
    • Do not post personal vouches.
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    Failure to adhere to this will get you infracted and/or banned.

    A permanent ban is often a method to get the accused to post an appeal. It is not at all times the verdict.
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paranoid and delusional
Oct 26, 2014
who: ooc name fooz ic name tweaker

why: scriptplayer
how: saw me in an overwatch vest last night, crawled the map to find me, then hung around while i was building to bug me about buying my vest. he demanded i rp, that he "needed scripts" then when i told him i was busy, continued trying to ask me to buy it ooc, over and over again

i kinda ignored it because it's tnb but today when i spawed in an made my dupe, he waited inside of a box for 15 minutes until i showed up at the dupe location to beg me for my vest some more


i should have saved the logs from last night but i didnt so w/e

i really dont like this behavior

fix it

steam id: STEAM_0:0:22106850
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Funny how some things so incredibly minute can be taken out of context like this. Considering you were going along with the obvious OOC fuckery, I don't really have anything to say about this other than how ridiculous things can be or seem when not shown in the full light; even though there isn't even much to it. 3 people on the server at the time, never once did you ask me to stop. What's the point of this, honestly? Other than doing it just to do it.
"let me buy your vest"


ur a retard harry
"ok i do 11k"
*spawns cota vest prop*
"ok here"

It wasn't


100 times over.

However, it is easy for you to easily garner support for this due to the fact that people actually do do this in serious context, and is actually an issue. The mob mentality of it is a bit bad in cases like this. Also the fact, you make it look like an extreme case even though it was nothing more than a joke- which you played along with. You even use a somewhat non serious ban request. What's the point?
i just want you to stop coming to me and doing "only pretending" metagamed scripthunting like i enjoy it. stay in your lane and keep on jerking off with the other dudes who enjoy that kind of shit; i dont really care as long as it isn't involving me.

i make a point to put a barrier between myself and the rest of the community because your behavior is what 94% of "roleplay" on the server consists of and i do not enjoy it. if you wanna hang out or chat or whatever, do it without weirdly begging me for shit. if you wanna roleplay, dont do so with the sole intention of buffing your item stash.

when i join the server, i do so to roleplay. if someone interacts with me, i expect the same of them. i can brush off one off instances of retardation with only minor blood boil. when it becomes repeated behavior then ive got an issue.
Scriptplaying is a filthy habit and should be rewarded with a trip to the highest level of hell (because heat rises). That said, it is technically not against the rules of the server to be a filthy script-whore and therefore he shouldn't be punished for it. However, by repeatedly spamming Toast he was being disruptive to RP and should be punished accordingly.
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I don't think this is deserving of a ban. Sure you might not like it, but what I am reading is "We should ban this guy cause he asked for scripts." Sure maybe he got annoying about it, but when has that ever been something people get banned for. Shit while we're at it let's just take the great majority of tnb and ban them for doing something annoying/asking for scripts.

I've never had any IC interaction with Tweaker so I can't tell you anything about. What I can tell you is that if he was a total shit lord he would have been banned before this moment. It sounded like ooc fuckery
"ok i do 11k"
*spawns cota vest prop*
"ok here"

If what is written here is true then it sounds like you were engaging in the ooc fuckery as well. Fact of the matter is you're asking for someone to get banned not over an actual issue but because you were slightly irritated by someone who might have been annoying to you.
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