Recent content by Tetsip

  1. Tetsip

    Chop Halloway's extended ban

    All I heard is you shit-posting Natalie Dawn and saying that misbehavior is justified. Players are not justified in breaking the rules because people make them mad. You can't do it, I can't do it, Chop shouldn't be allowed to do it. If Natalie broke a rule, so be it post your own ban request...
  2. Tetsip

    Chop Halloway's extended ban

    I'm going to make this very simple, since everyone is talking about circumstances and whether or not this guy is a minge or a good roleplayer just being stupid. Godmodding/powergaming is against the rules. He powergamed. Ban he.
  3. Tetsip

    Trolling New Players

    I will say at points Kai Lu was being silly, but Ishimura only slipped once and caught himself afterwards. Akari the entire time had been scolding the inappropriate stereotypical/racist behavior and nipping it in the bud, trying to guide Kai Lu into better roleplay. Kai Lu isn't an official Red...
  4. Tetsip

    Trolling New Players

    My post has been edited to reflect further logs and key points.
  5. Tetsip

    Trolling New Players

    EDIT: This is UU.C17-SERVITOR.51623, and I was there to witness the entire thing from back to front, even in the Teamspeak. While things got silly, the fact that these people are being singled out is bullshit. The following logs will reveal not only did this man break roleplay convention, but he...
  6. Tetsip

    ☣Toxic☣Angle☣, Minge-Thief, Bad RPer, and RP-Logger

    Well I'm satisfied. I received my retribution.
  7. Tetsip

    ☣Toxic☣Angle☣, Minge-Thief, Bad RPer, and RP-Logger

    What was he script abusing in particular if I may ask? Was he doing the 'credit' thing?
  8. Tetsip

    ☣Toxic☣Angle☣, Minge-Thief, Bad RPer, and RP-Logger

    No he isn't. He's still running around in the server.
  9. Tetsip

    ☣Toxic☣Angle☣, Minge-Thief, Bad RPer, and RP-Logger

    Honestly I think he was telling me to find out IC
  10. Tetsip

    ☣Toxic☣Angle☣, Minge-Thief, Bad RPer, and RP-Logger

    I got your proof right here for #1. Notice how fast his story changes. I stopped talking for him a bit because I thought he was just weaseling out of a ban, then I tried to honestly help him. (To clarify the beginning of that screenshot, Chen wanted me to shoot him because Adam started...
  11. Tetsip

    ☣Toxic☣Angle☣, Minge-Thief, Bad RPer, and RP-Logger

    Thank you community for saving my ass here. I apologize that I don't have physical proof. When myself and Alice Bailey encountered him he was using another name, Zachary something. We tried to ICly confront him about how he got the AKM and he ninja-logged then and there.
  12. Tetsip

    ☣Toxic☣Angle☣, Minge-Thief, Bad RPer, and RP-Logger

    That's just it. Apparently Dave didn't give two shits about it when the guy was ratted out. I cannot physically prove beyond suspicion that he acquired that AKM from Beswick, but it is not a far leap in logic to assume that this very new player acquired it under mingey pretenses. However, I...
  13. Tetsip

    ☣Toxic☣Angle☣, Minge-Thief, Bad RPer, and RP-Logger

    Administrator Discretion (Any other offense(s) not specifically outlined.) These rules are not all-inclusive. Admins maintain the right to stop and possibly punish any action they believe to be counter-productive, interruptive, or generally negative to the community/server. 1 was a fairly...
  14. Tetsip

    ☣Toxic☣Angle☣, Minge-Thief, Bad RPer, and RP-Logger

    Player's Name: ☣Toxic☣Angle☣ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:8599343 Reason for ban: Minge-Theft of AKM, horrific RP, logging to avoid RP Proof: Sadly, my screenshot button did not appear to take the screenshot to prove the logging and horiffic RP though it is common knowledge among Rebels that he has the...