Recent content by Rankless Dawg

  1. Rankless Dawg

    Roster Admin Roster

    My computer still sucks ass but I am coming off of perma LOA to indicate I will be functioning (mostly) fully as an admin. s2k on PTwXD0c5X0M
  2. Rankless Dawg

    Roster Admin Roster

    I just want to specify I am not in jail consider this my official LOA due to shit computer and the prospect of playing being overwhelmingly frustrating. I am working to fix this however. There is hope yet~ since when do you fix anything y u askin all deese questions??
  3. Rankless Dawg

    Roster Admin Roster

    took myself off of dead pc because i can play at 5 fps now
  4. Rankless Dawg

    Roster Admin Roster

    Consider me on LOA because my main PC was frozen by an evil virus and I have neglected to find a way to fix it thus far so I'll probably have to do a ton of shit and make some calls. It's been a good three weeks and I assume everyone pretty much knows but I might as well have it down on paper...