Recent content by Palladian

  1. Palladian

    Information Half-Life: New America - Announcement

    It's fine that most people don't know which city we're in. Obviously there are a few original residents left who definitively know, but there's probably just as many people speculating and repeating wrong rumours so that very few people are sure. More importantly, most citizens probably don't...
  2. Palladian

    Echo / Johnny Porter

    I'm aware we haven't yet seen the logs, but detaining people for acting in a daft OOC way is probably a waste of everyone's time. If you're behaving in an immature way or ignoring RP, the recourse should be administration, not an IC punishment like detainment.
  3. Palladian

    The Infection

    Looking forward to playing this. Re: discussion of the zombies' origin. I assume from the title 'The Infection' it's already been decided that it's a Walking Dead type disease that makes people appear undead. However, if it's possible to influence these things at all I 100% prefer classic...
  4. Palladian

    zippo raid

    There's one issue with zippo's conduct here nobody's mentioned. Specifically, if pirate's logs tell the whole story pirate sends a !a and zippo responds in general OOC. I don't mean to pick on zippo in particular, but this is way too common at TNB and it's bad for at least two reasons. First, if...
  5. Palladian

    Roster Admin Roster

    Resigning from HL2 admin. No reason in particular except that my interest has dropped dramatically and I've got college soon anyway. I'll probably still be on the forums and in server occasionally. Best of luck with the sub-community, I hope it continues to grow and thrive in the future...
  6. Palladian

    Roster Admin Roster

  7. Palladian

    Roster Admin Roster

    Will be in Scotland for two days. Insignificant LOA but I am adding it for completeness.