Recent content by magnus

  1. magnus

    Roster Admin Roster

    ma forgave me end of loa
  2. magnus

    Roster Admin Roster

    mom found my weed stash indefinite loa slugedit: deeeidt:
  3. magnus

    Roster Admin Roster

    loa for a couple of days just in need of a break. i'll still chat in discord ed; i might pop on from time to time. not sure
  4. magnus

    Serious Year in Review: 2020

    used to spend a bunch of time on the old hl2 back in 2016. way too young at the time, but i feel like i came back at a really good time with a new sense of maturity (compared to where i was). really enjoying hlna. 2020 has been hell but this is among the things that make it pretty ok. here’s to...