Recent content by Lushsalmon123

  1. Lushsalmon123

    Eric 'Frosty' Wilkerson, mingerunning away

    its a dream that frosty will learn
  2. Lushsalmon123

    Lushalemon & Rokhazula Ban Request

    I actually did not prop climb, so I dont know where you're getting that I propclimbed.
  3. Lushsalmon123

    Lushalemon & Rokhazula Ban Request

    This had nothing to do with Rock, it was mainly me that had done it. I know I did wrong and I shouldn't have done it and there is no reason that I could say to defend myself. I'll take the ban but Rock had nothing to do with any of the stupid antics I did. (As proven above)
  4. Lushsalmon123

    Stevewince's ban

    Scumbo and I had caught him together. And I was following him for sometime because we were talking on SF.
  5. Lushsalmon123


    I'm going to stop talking.
  6. Lushsalmon123


    I dont know, Dougal. Even with the AA-12 I dont think you could beat Bulldog in S2RP if he had his weapon at the ready anyway.