Recent content by LadyBastos

  1. LadyBastos

    Jonathan Tylers/Owen Johnson

    this feels like deja vu. we just had this thread posted involving this guy.........
  2. LadyBastos


    I'm fine with sitting out whatever ban you'd like to hand down to me. I have a few things I'd like to say first before I go though. Please bear with me. I'm not quite sure I can actually maintain any semblance of actual coherence at the moment for some private reasons. For starters, I would...
  3. LadyBastos

    Prizmo's Ban

    And this is coming from Samantha "Spider" Webb!
  4. LadyBastos

    Prizmo's Ban

    Same person that D/Ced to avoid her death last week on Coast as Rachel Osborn.
  5. LadyBastos

    Ban Req on Jadougie and Co.

    Jadougie, you disappoint me. Also, I wasn't exactly aware minge hour was a thing. Why in gods' name do we have it?
  6. LadyBastos

    Flaxy and Mugging

    RIP in pepperoni.
  7. LadyBastos

    Flaxy and Mugging

    What ended up happening to him?
  8. LadyBastos

    "Vars" Hawk, Alexander "Osprey", Cassie Michealson, Syun-Ji "Crane".

    Well, when we kept ignoring you in OOC you took it to IC and basically spammed the chat so that we couldn't RP.
  9. LadyBastos

    "Vars" Hawk, Alexander "Osprey", Cassie Michealson, Syun-Ji "Crane".

    I'm confused. First, we weren't joking around and now you agree with me that we were. Which is it?
  10. LadyBastos

    "Vars" Hawk, Alexander "Osprey", Cassie Michealson, Syun-Ji "Crane".

    But you said earlier we weren't joking around at all.
  11. LadyBastos

    "Vars" Hawk, Alexander "Osprey", Cassie Michealson, Syun-Ji "Crane".

    I seem to remember quite a bit of joking before you started bitching in OOC about the admin taking you out of the map for a bit.
  12. LadyBastos

    "Vars" Hawk, Alexander "Osprey", Cassie Michealson, Syun-Ji "Crane".

    I fill you up. Proceed to partay.
  13. LadyBastos

    "Vars" Hawk, Alexander "Osprey", Cassie Michealson, Syun-Ji "Crane".

    You realise it's only just now morning in America, right?
  14. LadyBastos

    "Vars" Hawk, Alexander "Osprey", Cassie Michealson, Syun-Ji "Crane".

    Perhaps we should be the ones posting a ban report on you.