Recent content by Drakens

  1. D


    Changing my opinion. Yes, ban him. Reason being because there are a number of offences that he has committed and these are enough. I still disagree with the idea of banning someone because they are annoying but it's clear he has done more than being annoying.
  2. D


    He's annoying, yes. He's frustrating, yes. He complains, yes. None of these things are bannable. if he spams G-OOC with bullshit, you mute him. If you don't want to hear his complaints, don't read them. If his threads annoy you, don't view them. It's not hard. To ban him would be an exercise...
  3. D

    Roster Admin Roster

    Walker suspended pending further action. - Drakens, Hawg, Armada
  4. D

    Roster Admin Roster

    Mao to player. He is no longer at TnB for the forseeable future. I'm sure he'll let us know if that changes.
  5. D

    Roster Admin Roster

    Firepower RanklessDawg Removed. Armada Chad Walker Promoted to Full Admin.
  6. D


    I do not deny that Clavier desrves to be punished for his idiocy. It does not pardon Hellfang of his transgressions however. Standards must be universally maintained. Also, fancy seeing you here. Seems we're meeting a lot.
  7. D


    And I don't think that deathmatching someone is ever right. I could not give two fucks about why you did it unless you were defending yourself from another RDMer. You do not take the rules into your own hands or take it upon yourself to constantly gun down someone you perceive to be a source of...
  8. D

    Roster Admin Roster

    Hawg passes trial period. Human passes trial period.
  9. D

    Roster Admin Roster

    Nazca to SRP TA. rayedit: Grats, I forgot to vote. wait, was there a vote oh god i gotta check
  10. D

    Roster Admin Roster

    Iron Removed. If you're interested in the reasons you can ask me but otherwise. The basic reasons are gross inactivity and leaking though.
  11. D

    Roster Admin Roster

    GentleMao promoted to permanant TA. I'm just a TA man...
  12. D

    Roster Admin Roster

    Promotions to Full Admin: Sif GentleMao
  13. D

    Roster Admin Roster

    GentleMao To SRP TA.
  14. D


    Unlocking thread because I have a question. Does anyone have proof in logs or otherwise that Clavier Frostbite Cinema Midnight did kill anyone in the car because if not then it kind of does affect the punishment on that side of things. As for Pirate, I would say you know better but about... god...
  15. D

    Roster Admin Roster

    Sif to SRP TA.