Recent content by DarcAdminium

  1. DarcAdminium


    I don't think the city being the center of the map was ever that necessary, I'm sure moving things around and deleting things that aren't necessary could free up a good amount of space. In fact, the map itself could probably be made smaller, as a bunch of un-enterable buildings occupying a large...
  2. DarcAdminium

    The Bitch's Ban Request

    From what I understood, He's autistic or otherwise retarded ICly. Other than that, he's miles ahead of the other clueless minges we get walking the streets.
  3. DarcAdminium


  4. DarcAdminium


    I had one of those shower-ideas about city entrance/exits, if thats still on the agenda 1. Exit through the Ration Distrib. center, I think it offers the right kind of planning and commitment that should be needed to leave the city. "Continue to get beaten for your rations? Or sacrifice that...
  5. DarcAdminium


    Boot the underground lab. Make some of the skybox buildings in the outside have a basement or something, so theres a point of going there instead of using it as awful eye-candy. Switch up the exits from city, a couple should typically be guarded by CP at all times, with one, maybe two...