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    • CheekiBreeki
      CheekiBreeki replied to the thread Accepted Pirate unban.
      I gotta agree hard on this one. Nobody said he's a Spartan supporter. And I mean, he actively spoke out against him in that post, but...
    • CheekiBreeki
      CheekiBreeki replied to the thread New Beginnings.
      You guys do your things. As part of Lambdas group I'm gonna be looking at this from afar, but I still offer an open ear ( whenever I am...
    • CheekiBreeki
      CheekiBreeki reacted to Lambda's post in the thread New Beginnings with
      While @Decepti and myself have been in the loop for a few weeks now, I can say we've had limited involvement beyond a few suggestions or...
    • CheekiBreeki
      CheekiBreeki reacted to Linux's post in the thread New Beginnings with
      I think the worst thing here is that none of this was even brought up in discussion for the wider community. For higher-administration...
    • CheekiBreeki
      CheekiBreeki reacted to Linux's post in the thread New Beginnings with
      ah yes the best way to start moving in a new direction is by raising up the same people who have been in power for the last however-many...
    • CheekiBreeki
      Progress exists. Slower than what all of us would like but we're not trying to pull a Cyberpunk 2077/No Man's Sky here.
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