Recent content by BraveBoats

  1. BraveBoats

    Ban appeal for Tyron 'T' Smithonson

    For the record, this a ban request. You appeal against something that has already been done, like a decision e.g. I'm going onto the forum to appeal (against) my ban.
  2. BraveBoats

    Chop Halloway's extended ban

    Seems like a classic case of people only considering what benefits their character the most roleplay and everything else minging.
  3. BraveBoats

    Some random RULE BREAKER

    Haha, fair 'nuff. What was the poison?
  4. BraveBoats

    Some random RULE BREAKER

    Molotovs are rarely thrown at walls, anyway. So yeah. Agree with you there.
  5. BraveBoats


    It's Descartes. Cogito ergo sum. Monolith ergo win. Are you understand?
  6. BraveBoats


    True, Raygin fucks up now and then, but I think his intellectual input makes him worth having around.
  7. BraveBoats


    A little ineffectual, guys... listen to all the people condemning his repeat behaviour, and I know there are more who haven't yet posted in this thread.
  8. BraveBoats


    Only one admin has commented on this? I mean, it's clear this isn't a one-off incident; this guy has a record of being a chronic annoyance. I don't see the logic in going soft on him. e: I say annoyance, more like actively detrimental to the server. e2: For crying out loud, he lied about...
  9. BraveBoats


    Literally gangraping us. Literally I was really hoping anyone who reads this thread might find out ICly, but maybe I should elaborate a little seeing as you're waving that particular line of thought around like an eight inch endowment: our characters are part of a group that all kill for...
  10. BraveBoats


    Dunjam isn't a new player. To illustrate just how poisonous his attitude was, Bear Frans was only a few feet away from Dunjam's character when they both receiving the same treatment, but Dunjam handled it like an absolute child, and Bear Frans' player went with it, despite having been subjected...
  11. BraveBoats


    Our characters outnumbered yours four to one. They had been travelling for quite some time, waiting for the opportune moment, and still, all alone, miles away from any settlement, they were still cautious about doing the deed. That isn't negligence. I don't know what to say to that last...
  12. BraveBoats


    And what about his awful attitude towards character death? In the midst of all the profanity, he did sneak in, to paraphrase, "[you're powerless], I can just NLR" - subtext in brackets. I think this, and his character's extreme negligence, warrants a permanent kill, as well as some kind of OOC...
  13. BraveBoats


    Quixotic, he lied. He went out with us twice, on two separate occasions. I think you just yourself in the foot. This "I was meant to be there" stuff is total bullshit. Furthermore, it wasn't a random killing, all four of our characters groomed him so we could eventually execute him. His...
  14. BraveBoats


    No, no, this was before the incident. Our characters went into the junk settlement near town. To jog your memory a little, Dutch and Birch wandered off and had a little chat; your character hang about with James and Teddy. I remember distinctly Dutch playing with his rebar club inches away from...
  15. BraveBoats


    Dunjam's character was in the presence of Dutch Vandano, Funkmound's character, when Dutch was playing with the rebar club. This was in the little junk settlement near Victory Courtyard. After that, Dunjam's character actually left and went back to Victory Courtyard. Then he went out a second...